Tears overflow her eyes as she nods, and Tommy pulls her into his arms. “You’re following what she wants,” he murmurs. “She’s not safe, and she said she’s worried about you. Let’s focus on what we can control, beautiful.”
Taking a deep, shuddering breath, Cere nods. “It all feels overwhelming to see this when I grew up on the run,” she explains. “Maybe that’s why I fought the idea of getting a house whenever Augustine mentioned it. I didn’t feel like I deserved one.”
Oh fuck no.
“You absolutely deserve a house,” I mutter. It’s starting to click why she wouldn’t leave the apartment whenever Augustine mentioned it. “Cere, I hate that you think that. A house means safety, security, and a place of your own. I think Tommy is right. Let’s see if you can find a room she’d like.”
Bailey gets out of her shiny white Mercedes, smiling gently as she sees us.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” she asks as she shuts the door behind her and strides across the lawn to walk up the wide porch steps.
Following her, I have to admit she’s correct. The house is white and gray with a dark blue trim, and there are large bay windows at the front. Stepping into the main front hall after Bailey opens the door, we all look around as she shows us the house.
Every room is open and airy, and Cerenity has a small wrinkle of concentration as she looks at all of the rooms.
“Can I see the attic?” she asks, eying the last set of stairs.
“Absolutely,” Bailey says, not missing a step as she leads us upstairs. There are stained glass windows up here, the ceiling is much lower so everyone but Cere has to duck their heads, but she’s smiling broadly.
“I think we’ve found your nest,” I say softly as she nods.
“It’s perfect,” she says with a happy sigh. “I don’t even think I’ll need curtains in here. It needs a really good cleaning, but I love it.”
Tommy sneezes hard, making us chuckle.
“This is the only room that wasn’t cleaned,” Bailey says, wincing. “When we close, I’ll make sure I work it into our closing costs.”
Jasper smirks even as he tries not to breathe in, the dust motes easily seen in the air. “I don’t think you’re ahead of yourself at all. It has everything we need,” he says. “Tommy may have an aneurysm if he sneezes like that again though.”
Hurriedly walking back downstairs, Tommy sneezes three more times before we’re on the first level.
“This house has all the space I need,” he says, sniffing. “I can easily have safe rooms built in here.”
Cerenity touches the back door of the house that leads out, opening it. Following her, I have to admit the backyard is absolutely beautiful too. There are large trees for shade I can see being used for a tire swing for kids later, and tons of space to run and play.
“It’s perfect,” she says with a nod. “I want it. All in favor?”
Auggie’s lips twitch because while he’s our alpha, Cerenity is definitely our Mistress. She is our heart.
“Aye,” we say around her. Sighing happily as Cerenity nods and says over her shoulder, “We don’t need to see any other houses.”
The ride back to the apartments is spent chatting as Jasper drives and teases Tommy. His nose is a little red, and he blew it four times.
“Dust and I are not friends,” he grumbles as we get out of the SUV.
“Poor baby,” Cere teases him, squealing when he picks her off her feet.
“That’s right. I claim snuggling rights,” he says.
Augustine rolls his eyes, looking devoid. “Sorry old man, but apparently I need my hair cut. You can snuggle afterwards.”
Cerenity winks at me when Tommy puts her down and we walk up to the apartment.
“What are the chances we’d find the house on the first try?” she asks as she opens the door.
“Bailey has an uncanny ability to find properties that’ll work for her clients,” Jasper says. “She led me on a merry chase around the city though before she showed me the Underground.”
“Maybe she thought you needed a tour of the city,” she teases him, squealing as she ducks his arms. “Nope, I’m on hair cutting duty!”