Page 139 of Fight

“I’ll cut it and Gabe can help,” she says with a smile. “Tommy, do we really need a place for a safe room?”

Paranoia isn’t something he is ever going to grow out of.

“Yes,” he growls. “What if something happens? My job isn’t exactly flowers and rainbows, Bluebell. I need to know you have somewhere you can go if needed. Besides, how do you feel about kids?”

Oh fuck a duck.

“We haven’t talked about them, but I like them fine,” Cere says with a smirk. “Are you telling me I need to agree to a safe room for our hypothetical children?”

“Well, I think it’s a good idea,” Jasper says with a shrug. “I think we should have two. One in the basement and one in our pack bedroom.”

“Can we start practicing?” Auggie says, flinching when Cere mimes pinching his nipples.

“I’m still on birth control, so you can practice all you want,” Cerenity says. “I’ll enjoy the knots and cum in the meantime.”

A clearing of a throat makes her eyes widen as she glances over and sees Bailey holding back a smile.

“It's completely unprofessional for me to comment on your mates’ breeding kink, so I won’t,” she says as Cerenity flushes pink. “Instead, I’ll suggest that the Nightingale property has space to put in a safe room in both the primary bedroom and the basement.”

Smirking, Tommy nods as he picks up photos of that property.

“It’s in a gated community, as well, and looks as if the homes aren’t close together,” Tommy muses.

“Exactly,” Bailey says as she steps closer. “It’s set at the back, and there’s about six acres for it. The house is beautiful with a wraparound porch as well. The main driveway is also set back from the road.”

“Is it possible to go see it today?” Cerenity asks. “I’m slammed with work at the club tomorrow and I’m not sure when I’ll get a chance to schedule a day where people don’t need me.”

Tomorrow is Friday, and I know her employees are excited to see her. Auggie has made sure everyone was paid, but they care about more than that.

“Absolutely,” Bailey says with a smile. “I’m all yours today. The other property you may like is the Vates house.”

Cerenity glances at the photo and nods. “Are they near enough to look at both?”

“Yes, I have access to both as well,” Bailey explains.

“May as well,” Cere says. I can tell she likes the Nightingale house more, and so can Bailey.

“Let’s head to Nightingale first,” she suggests.

The drive out there isn’t bad, and the house is near everything we need to drive to, even though the area is tranquil and beautiful. I can already tell this is our choice when we get out of Jasper’s SUV and Tommy whistles.

It’s eight bedrooms, with a large backyard, an attic, and wrap-around porch.

“Wow,” Cerenity whispers.

Augustine hugs her from behind as we stare at it, and whispers in her ear. I’m just close enough to hear it.

“Think your mom may want to stay here if we can get everything figured out for her?” he asks.

Augustine called the facility Cere’s mom is at to check on her, and was told she was in isolation. He growled at them, asking why, to which Dr. Brunes stated she’d attempted to hurt herself.

She’s never been someone to self harm, Cerenity said, so I don’t believe him.

“Yes,” she murmurs. “God, I want to get her out of there so badly.”

Unfortunately, there’s a lot of red tape to get her released, and we still need to find Cerenity’s fathers.

“You will,” Tommy says, overhearing her as he turns. “Let’s go check out the house and you can find her a room she may like.”