Page 127 of Fight

“I got a text from Cerenity. I’m going to the apartment. I don’t know what’s wrong. I just got an SOS from her,” I explain, showing him the text.

“Gabriel is up next,” Jasper grunts, looking as if he wants to leave as well. He already had his first fight at the beginning of the night against a newbie, and won it. His handler was too cocky, and this guy was nowhere near ready to fight against Gabe.

“Stay until he’s in the groove and he won’t notice if you leave. If it’s her heat, she’ll need as many knots as possible,” I rumble. “Text him when you leave, so he can come straight home. We’ll need his cooler head if we’re all pulled into a rut. I have zero confidence in myself right now that I won’t be.”

“I think you’re underestimating yourself,” Jasper mutters. “There he goes. Let us know what you find. I’ll tell Augustine.”

“As long as I can get a text out without endangering her, I will,” I grunt with a nod.

Squeezing my shoulder, he jogs over to Gabriel to coach him through his last fight. Taking a step back to make sure I won’t pull their attention, I walk steadily out of the building. It’s only when I hit the ramp that I flat out run for my vehicle.

I’m coming, baby.

I can’t tell you how many traffic laws I broke to get back to the apartment, and I can’t be fucked to care. Barely remembering to lock the truck doors, I run up the stairs to the third floor. As I inhale deeply, all I can smell is Cerenity’s sweet scent.

Her pheromones are so strong, I can also hear a lot of fucking happening in the apartments around me. Grunts, moaning and the sounds of rutting make my balls ache as I move quickly down the corridor to Cerenity’s apartment.

Breathing shallowly, I unlock the door, shoving it open as my eyes begin to attempt to find her.

“Bluebell?” I call out as I slam the door shut and lock it. We aren’t going to be able to live here anymore if her heats are going to throw every alpha in the building into a rut. Thank God every alpha on this floor is properly occupied with someone to fuck, so they didn’t come looking for her. If not, it could have gotten really nasty.

Glancing to my left when I don’t see her in any of the living spaces, I see her curled in a fetal position. She’s completely naked and whimpering.

“Cerenity,” I growl, pulling my shirt off as I stride over to her. Dropping to my knees, I gather her into my arms. “Baby, I’m here. It’s Tommy. Can you look at me?”

Cerenity’s eyes are almost glued shut from her tears. Screaming, she hits me and tries to pull away. She’s scent blind and hysterical as she squirms.

God, even her nose is all stuffed up and running. For good reason, she’s a wreck.

“Cerenity,” I growl, standing with her in my arms. I need to tell the guys to get here as soon as possible, but not at the expense of dropping her.

“My alphas. No, please don’t hurt me,” she screams as I walk into her nest which is…

Destroyed. The curtains are pulled onto the floor from the canopy, sheets are shredded, and I have no idea if this was deliberate or if she was looking for something. Based on the phone I passed in the hallway, I bet she was looking for it.

Working my way around the debris, I also see a sea of vibrators and dildos with knots on the ground.

Has she been trying to come and not able to?

I remember the way Augustine helped her to come with the toy she was using, and realize she probably can’t come alone. She looks as if she’s been crying for hours. Goddamnit.

Struggling to strip off my weapons and not drop her is difficult, but I still manage to put them into the nightstand. The last thing I need is for her to blindly shoot me. I can only imagine what that would end up looking like.

My sister would never let me hear the end of it.

“I’m not going to hurt you,” I purr, the sound coming from deep in my chest. I would rather die than do anything she doesn’t want now that I know what her triggers are and why. Unfortunately, she doesn’t know that or who I am.

It just makes Cerenity fight me harder, and she fucking punches hard. The little omega is a fighter, but I’m not the enemy.

“Okay, okay, I have an idea.”

Laying her on the bed, I grunt when her foot comes dangerously close to kicking me in the groin. I swear, we’re doomed to repeat our mistakes, because she’s trying to crawl off the bed.

Sighing, I pour some water that’s by the nightstand onto a corner of the sheet, pulling her back into my arms to start cleaning off the gunk on her eyes. She’s so congested from crying, so she can’t scent me either.

Cerenity stills, her chest heaving as she feels me cleaning her face. Her skin is so damn hot, it’s hard to hold her close to me, but I refuse to let her go. Her fingers are twitching, making me concerned.

A part of me just wants to help, while the other is whispering thanks that she was able to text me at all with how hard she’s shivering.