Turning off the water, I dry off quickly, panting as I walk into the nest. The clock must be broken, because it says it’s eight o’clock. Fuck, and it’s completely dark too. It’s fine.
Grabbing as many vibrators as possible, I get to work to attempt to have an orgasm. I feel like I’m on fire, and even my hands are cramping. Screaming, my hands fist the sheets as I writhe.
Slick slides down my thighs, the large toy is half inside of my pussy, and I’m fucking desperate.
Breathing hard, I throw the toy across the damn room. God, why aren’t my alphas here? Why was I so stupid? Standing, I start to throw things, whimpering as my stomach cramps so hard I see stars. I can’t remember where my phone is.
“Where is it?” I cry, feeling pathetic as tears stream down my face in frustration. Pulling off the blankets, I tear one in my hurry to pull it out from under the mattress. Touching the rip, my lips start to tremble in sadness. I love these new sheets.
Another cramp makes me feel as if it’s ripping me in two and I gasp. I hear you loud and clear. Holy fuck me. I trash the nest as I search for the damned phone, realizing too late I left it in my pants pocket.
Crawling along the mess of curtains that were over the bed to create a canopy effect, I whine in pain. I didn’t mean for the curtain rod to fall on me, when I kneeled on the mattress, my knee pulled it all down on top of me. My head hurts where it fell.
“Stupid. So fucking dumb,” I grumble. I can’t even crawl properly because it hurts so much. My eyesight is shot because the hall light is hurting my eyes as well. Wiggling down the corridor, I slap my hand along the way, desperately trying to find my pants.
My lungs feel as if they’re going to explode because I’m in so much pain, and my nervous system is in overdrive. Especially after my trip to see my mom, I’ve already had a really emotional day.
This is simply the cherry on the shit cake.
Finally, my fingers close on the phone inside of the pocket, and I force my trembling, semi numb fingers to pull it out. I read once that omegas can go into shock if they don’t get a knot during a really rough heat.
I thought it wasn’t possible, but I’m getting an education today. My body knows it has alphas, and it’s incredibly angry that they’re not here.
Blinking hard, I find the first person’s text I can and text:
Help Me!
Curling into a ball, I throw my phone as I sob. Every cramp hurts more and more, and all I can hope for is a black pit of blissful unconsciousness.
Please, please see my text and come.
This is what I get for ignoring every single one of my instincts.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Bluebell: Help Me!
My heart pounds, and it’s not because of the screaming people in the stands as they watch the fighting match. Hitting the call button, my eyes search the large room for Jasper or Augustine.
Gabriel is going up next, and as shitty as it is, I don’t want to fuck up his concentration for his last fight.
The text is a scream for help, and it could mean anything from come knot me you motherfucker to she’s been hurt or kidnapped. Both are still cause for worry, because her heat has been quiet all day.
I’ve messaged her a few times today to check in, but she was joking and seemed fine. Augustine has still seemed pensive, worried she may be ignoring her instincts.
So many years of cutting off parts of yourself have a tendency of coming back to bite you in the ass.
No answer.
“Fuck,” I growl, hanging up and jogging across the room as I see Jasper.
“Where’s the fire? Is it Cerenity?” he asks, eyes narrowing. He’s shifting his weight back and forth, as if he were in the ring. I know we’re all feeling the energy of the room and worry for Bluebell.
Augustine mentioned she went to see her mother today, and I tracked her SUV the entire way to the facility and back. I put a tracker on her vehicle, and I’m not even repentant about it. Our omega is so damn independent and stubborn, I need to be able to make sure she’s alright somehow.
Even then, there’s a kink in my plans, because everything is wrong at the moment. Thankfully, her SUV is still parked at the apartment complex, and has been for hours.