“Not me either,” Tommy says with a shrug.
“The blankets are prettier when you fold them the way you want,” Gabriel says with a smile as he takes a bite of food.
“You guys are as nuts as I am,” Cerenity huffs. “Let’s get through a heat before we decide to submit paperwork as a pack first.”
“So, is that an invitation to fuck you for three days straight?” Augustine asks with a wink.
Throwing back her head as she laughs, she nods.
“I guess I’ll accept this invitation, even if it isn’t engraved in gold,” I tease her, not even wincing as Tommy cuffs me over the head.
“Me too,” Gabriel says.
“Well, I refuse to be left behind,” Tommy says with a chuckle. “Our knots and hearts are yours, Bluebell, the rest is just paperwork.”
“God, that shouldn’t make me want to swoon, but I kind of want to,” she says as she takes her first bite of dinner and moans.
Suddenly, the rest of my sleepiness falls away from earlier as I stare at her with hungry eyes.
“We got a bigger bed for her bedroom,” Augustine says conversationally. “Happy fucking birthday to us.”
Cerenity blushes even as she squeezes her thighs together, making me grin.
“Eat up, Mistress, we’re definitely going to enjoy taking off that pretty dress. You can open your presents later,” I growl.
Taking another bite, I count down the minutes until it’s acceptable for me to make her my second meal. I can’t wait to celebrate every birthday with her from now on.
The apartment is quiet today since everyone is gone. Augustine volunteered to help set up the underground fight with Gabriel and the guys today, since Jasper had questions about how to best manage the layout.
Their fighters came in two days ago to move into their new apartments, and Jasper said they were excited for the change. I can’t wait to see everything they get into. I don’t think Minneapolis is ready for them.
Standing from the couch, I start to pace, trying to decide what I want to do. I’m wearing one of Jasper’s oversized shirts over a pair of panties, because I’m not planning to go anywhere.
I am starting to crave their scents at all times, and they dutifully all brought me clothing that they’d worn over the last few days for my nest. It would be gross for anyone else to crave well worn clothing, but it’s an omega thing. They’re steeped in their scents and make me happy.
I don’t understand why I’m so twitchy right now as I pace. I don’t have any cramps, my nest is gorgeous and encompasses my entire bedroom now. It’s a sea of grays, teals, and purples with pops of navy.
God, I seriously love it so much. My alarm went off this morning, reminding me that my heat is supposed to come today, but there’s been no signs of it. A little anxiety, however it is typical for me to have some throughout the day.
My eyes fall on the gorgeous yarn and knitting needles Jasper bought me. It’s so soft, and will make the perfect blanket. I love that he saw this and immediately thought of me. Slowly, they’re figuring me out.
They were so busy moving and tying up loose ends, yet they still insisted on buying me gifts. Sighing, I pick them up, hoping it’ll help me pass some time. I’m supposed to be at the fights tonight, but it’s barely eleven in the morning.
Taking them into my nest, I turn on some music and curl up in the chair Gabe bought me.
Tommy: You doing okay, Bluebell? There’s been a fuckup with one of our deliveries, so I’m on the phone to fix it. I wish you were here to make this better.
Smirking, I imagine how exactly I could be helping him right now.
Blowjobs in the workplace probably are frowned upon.
The text bubbles make me giggle as I wait, shifting in my chair with a sigh. I’m getting twitchier by the second and it’s annoying the shit out of me. My anxiety can get like this until I have to get out of the house and do something, but without direction, I don’t want to roam aimlessly right now.
I keep reminding myself that someone killed Xavier and we don't know who. It’s not safe to roam the city just because I need to move.
I pride myself on being someone who doesn’t need to be saved constantly. I refuse to put myself in the position where I need to be.