Page 108 of Fight

“You all have been busy it seems,” she says, pointedly glancing at Tommy and I. “Read me in.”

Laying it all out, I explain what’s been happening the last few days. I know Tommy told her some things, but it's easier to go through it all, even if I’m being redundant. There’s no reason to hide things now that we’ve started getting on better footing.

It’s difficult to talk to someone when they’re too busy icing you out.

“So that’s why we’re driving to Chicago today,” I finish. “It’ll tie up a lot of the loose ends, so that we can fully jump into life in Minneapolis with you.”

Cerenity’s eyes are wide and filling with tears at an alarming rate.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, panicked. I am the kind of person who would rather kill whatever is making her upset, so I’m basically useless, since nothing is currently threatening her.

“Words, Cere,” Augustine says, purring for her.

Gasping in a breath, she shrugs helplessly. “You’re doing all of this, and I was so mean,” she wails. “Your hair is blue, Tommy, and Jasper I made you pee on the wall!”

Augustine bursts into laughter as he climbs onto the mattress. I don’t know how much the weight limit allows for, but I’m sure we’re getting close to it.

“Cere,” he says with a grin. “Baby, come on. You know the bastards deserved it.”

Tommy rubs Cerenity’s back gently, looking as if he’s worried he’ll break her. His blue hair spills across his shoulders, and Tiny keeps glancing over it in worry.

“Bluebell,” he groans. “Look, you tried explaining what you needed, and we were too thick headed to get it. So, you made us listen. I don’t ever want you to stop doing that, because sometimes my ears are broken.”

Her lips tip up at his words and I nod, blowing out a breath. “I have oldest brother syndrome,” I grunt. “I once tried to force my sister to leave her scent matches because I thought I knew better. I do not know better, and she put me in my place. Her men also would not hesitate to shoot me either, even though we’re good friends.”

“This is an alpha thing, isn’t it?” she sniffles, making my lips twitch.

“I wish it was,” Gabriel says, wincing as he kneels by the bed. Augustine is holding her hand, Tommy is now playing with her hair, and I’m hoping she stops crying soon. “I’m afraid I’m just as bad, because I’ve pushed Auggie away so many times over the years. I think it’s a side effect of having a dick.”

Cerenity snorts, laughing, and Gabriel smirks in triumph. Laughing is definitely better than crying. Fuck me, I’ve officially become a softy… somewhere.

“I’m taking you out on a date, Cere,” Augustine tells her. “I need to take advantage of the fact that I have you alone. Be prepared for walking and eating.”

“God, you really are the golden boy,” Tommy groans. “Even I know Cerenity loves food.”

“I really do,” she says with a giggle. “Did you book us a food tour?”

“I did,” Augustine replies. “I offered the open position of security management to Tay. He’ll make more money there than scrubbing toilets at the club, and he has a military background.”

“Why was he scrubbing toilets then?” I ask, confused. “Why didn’t he start in security?”

“Xavier had a personal issue,” he says, rolling his eyes. “Apparently, his scruples were screwed, and I should have been looking more closely at his decisions. No one mentioned anything, which means I had no idea. We had a come to Jesus about the issues surrounding staying quiet.”

“Good,” Cerenity sighs. “I don’t want anyone to think they can’t come to either of us with concerns.”

“No, I think it was just Tay. He said he was worried because he was dishonorably discharged, which I already knew, because he told us both when he was hired,” Augustine explains. Cerenity nods, so this is old news to them.

“So what’s the problem?” I ask, confused.

“Xavier convinced him that we only hired him as long as he didn’t make waves,” he explains with a growl. “Xavier was ex-military as well, but looked down on Tay’s dishonorable discharge. The reason he was released isn’t an issue, and it has no bearing on his ability to do his job. He’s an honest man. Now, he gets a promotion and a raise. The maintenance crew said they’d pitch in to check the bathrooms, and we have the cleaning crew that comes the following day. There wasn’t really a need for Tay’s position, I made it up on the spot when he asked if we were hiring.”

Our luck runs out when the mattress explodes from underneath me, and we all shout in surprise.

“I knew we were reaching the maximum capacity for the weight limit,” I say, laughing. “Rest in peace, mattress.”

Cerenity gives me a kiss on the cheek with a wide grin, crawling off the now flat mattress. Tommy bites his fist as he stares at her bare pussy, groaning, the scent of our arousal mixing in the air as she looks over her shoulder. Her nostrils flare as her pussy slicks for me.

“Fuck. Absolutely not. You need to get on the road,” she says, her voice husky with desire.