Cerenity doesn’t need to be at the club again this weekend. Maybe she can go out on a date with one of the guys while I attempt to handle whatever insanity this may be.
Xavier has been with the club since we opened. This doesn’t make any sense to me. Shaking my head as I walk back into the main room of the club, I find Cere on her tip-toes trying to find me. Raising my hand, I walk over to her, wrapping my arm around her waist.
The alphas circle me protectively as if we’ve done this before. Protective instincts are no joke.
“You’re right about Xavier,” I murmur in the shell of her ear. “I don’t know what’s going on, but please don’t be alone around him, okay? I just had a really uncomfortable conversation with him. I’m going to talk to him tomorrow.”
Together, we usher her toward the door, and Gabriel grabs my keys to get the truck. I don’t care if we may be blowing this out of proportion, but I never want to lose Cerenity again to this fucked up world.
“Does this alpha need to be fired or put down?” Tommy growls as we walk out into the night air.
“Fuck, is it bad that I’m not sure yet?” I ask, sliding my fingers through Cere’s cold ones. I am three seconds away from just picking her up.
My headlights turn on and Gabriel turns over the engine before he pulls out of the parking space. Stopping, I decide just to wait for him where I’m at. Cerenity is chewing her lower lip as she thinks before she shakes herself off.
“He smelled off yesterday when I came to the club to check on everything,” Cere says.
Fuck, she drove here herself today. Reminding myself she’s safe, I jerk my head toward Gabriel as I begin walking forward again when I see her vehicle. I’ll just have one of the guys drive back with her.
“Off how?” Jasper asks as we walk.
“This is the guy you were talking about,” Tommy grunts as they follow next to us.
“Yes,” Cere says with a nod. “His scent almost smelled curdled, like spoiled cheese, and I could tell he seemed upset with me for something. I just have no idea why.”
“I don’t know if this is related to last night, Sweetheart, but he asked me why I was ‘letting’ the guys paw all over you,” I tell her, hesitant to use his actual words. “He was a little more aggressive in his words, but I told him that these men were your pack. I also said you could fuck half of Minneapolis, and it still wouldn’t be any of his business.”
“Could he be upset she’s packed up?” Tommy asks, as if it’s the most natural thing in the world to be discussing. Cere huffs out a breath, sticking out her tongue at him.
“Bluebell, there are much better things I can think of for your tongue than the use you’re currently using it for. Don’t make me come over and tell you all about them.”
Cerenity gasps with wide eyes, retreating to my side. Tommy doesn’t let her get away with anything, and it’s fun to watch.
“He’s never shown any interest in me,” Cere says mildly. “I’ve been very hands off for years, so maybe I missed it? Fuck, I don’t want to drive home.”
“Jasper will drive you,” Tommy says. “We’ll meet back at the apartment. If you need a detour, please let us know. Did you eat today?”
My lips twitch as he shows how he cares about her. Cerenity doesn’t need someone breathing down her neck. That’s the best way to make her crazy. Gentle reminders? She appreciates those much more.
“I did, but I could go for a snack,” she admits. “The dancing made me hungry. I have everything I need for nachos, so I’ll make it when we get home. I don’t really feel like stopping.”
“See you at home then,” Tommy says easily, ignoring the way she almost trips at his words. I easily catch her elbow, and he winks at me as he strides to his truck to drive back.
“Ready, Tiny?” Jasper asks, holding his hand out to take her keys.
“Yeah. Tonight’s been really fucking weird,” she mutters, taking the keys out of her pocket. Cere lives for clothing with pockets because she hates bringing bags with her.
Kissing her forehead, I bundle her into her car, and then walk over to Gabriel, who has slipped into the passenger seat. I’m going to get to the bottom of this shit, because anything else is unacceptable.
After we eat nachos and talk at the apartment, Cere snuggled in between Gabe and I as she drifted off to sleep. She also had a screamer of a nightmare too, twisting in the sheets as she dreamed. Fucking Xavier.
The alpha has got to go.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Cerenity had a rough night last night, and Augustine was livid about Xavier’s behavior. He got up before the sun rose and drove out to his house, but I haven’t heard back from him yet, despite my texts to ask.