“Looks like they’re inviting us inside.” He stared at me, the reins tight in his hand.
“We make camp outside the walls,” I said. “No discussion.”
My father wore a hard stare, like he wanted to argue but didn’t want to waste the energy.
“We’ll speak with King Rolfe in the castle, but you’re to return here once those conversations have concluded.”
“I’ve brought my own whores, Aurelias.”
“I don’t care,” I said coldly. “I’d appreciate it if you could show more respect toward King Rolfe. It was obvious you despised him.”
“I don’t play games,” he said. “You know that.”
“It’s called manners, Father.”
“I’m the one coming to his rescue,” he snapped. “So I won’t bow to him.”
I let the conversation die, knowing I would get nowhere with my father. He was set in his ways, set in his stubbornness. It made me realize how intolerable I used to be, why Kingsnake had punched me in the face when I called Larisa a bitch. I was a much different person now, and I hadn’t realized how much I’d changed until I was faced with my past. “Let’s go.”
We entered the gate together then took the long walk to the castle. My father looked around as we passed through the city, down the alleyways between homes, at the humans as they passed on the cobblestone streets. He seemed unimpressed.
We made it to the castle and up the stairs to the great room, where Huntley waited for us. He didn’t wear his armor, just his king’s uniform. Now that he knew my father was more foe than friend, he wasn’t nearly as kind as he’d been previously. In fact, the only greeting my father received was a stare.
When we stepped into the room, the tension was paramount, so thick it was like smoke in my lungs. My father and Huntley stared each other down as Kingsnake and Cobra stared at my father and waited for his gaze to meet theirs.
Harlow was there, and of course, my eyes went straight to hers.
They locked, and that connection provoked a surge of emotion inside me. After my conversation with Huntley and the news my father had shared with me, I wanted to head straight into her arms and get lost in her touch.
But she looked away, and then a second later, the anguish came through. Her turmoil was so raw, like my betrayal had just happened a few minutes ago rather than days. It physically hurt her to be near me, to look at me and remember what I’d done. Her pain was far greater than her longing…and she didn’t long for me at all.
My eyes left her face and didn’t return.
Kingsnake approached my father. “You came.” Unlike with us, there was no affection exchanged.
“I was left with no choice,” Father said. “Since three of my four sons are here…while the last is now in charge of our kingdom.” He stared at Kingsnake coldly, as if it had somehow been his fault when I refused to return.
Cobra patted Father on the arm. “Come on, lighten up. They have great pot roast down at the pub.”
Father stared at him like he had no idea who he was.
Larisa and Clara stayed back, like they knew their approach would be unwelcome.
Fang was around Larisa’s shoulders. Sssnake killer… He released an audible hiss.
Father shifted his gaze to Fang. “Keep your pet away from me, or I’ll cut his fangs out.”
“Don’t talk to him like that.” It wasn’t Kingsnake who said that, or even Larisa.
It was Harlow.
My father slowly turned to look at her last. He seemed to figure out who she was, probably because she was young and gorgeous. His gaze shifted to me, as if he expected an introduction or explanation.
I likesss her. A lot.
I instinctively moved toward Harlow, putting myself between my father and her, not that I feared my father would hurt her. It was just instinct. “Father, this is Harlow.” I gave no other introduction because she didn’t need one. I’d already told my father I loved her. Nothing else needed to be said.
Father pivoted his body toward her and regarded her with a stare.