Page 73 of Clash of Kingdoms

“Why would he lie?”

“Because she’d offered herself many times, but he always said no.”

Now I was distressed. The idea of his fangs piercing her flesh and taking what didn’t belong to him made me deeply uncomfortable.

“And she’s hurt that he would feed from someone else.”

“I asked him not to.” Ask was putting it nicely.

“I told her that. It’s not a good enough reason to justify his betrayal.”

I looked away, caught up in the unpleasant situation I’d tried so hard to avoid. But I hadn’t been able to avoid it from the moment Aurelias had arrived. “At least Aurelias is willing to gather the detonators for us to use before he leaves.”

“I didn’t get that impression.”

My eyes shifted back to her.

“I think he intends to see it through, regardless.”


“I never voice my opinions to Harlow, so she can make her own decisions without interference. But I don’t think Aurelias would have made this many sacrifices for her just to walk away in the end. I understand why she’s hurt by his actions, but I think his needing to feed has nothing to do with his love for her.”

I gave a slight nod in agreement.

“We know his character. He’s noble, honest, committed… He wouldn’t leave her unprotected. He wouldn’t work this hard for our people just to abandon us at the finish line.”

Once the dead had been burned and the rites of passage had been read, the survivors began their journey to HeartHolme on foot and horseback. Ivory and I rode Storm back to HeartHolme, reaching the stone city in just a few hours.

Word of my return had spread fast because Harlow was there to meet me when I landed. She ran to me as fast as she could, her brown hair flying behind her, and she landed against my chest with a hard thud.

“Father.” She gripped me tightly, her face in my chest.

I hugged her as my chin rested on her head, remembering our final conversation and how much those words had haunted me after I said them. I held her longer than I normally would, grateful that I had made it back when others hadn’t… And then I felt like shit for thinking it. “Sweetheart.” I kissed her temple then let her go.

“I’m so glad you’re back.”

My arm moved around her shoulder, and I walked with her through the gates and to the castle.

“I’m sorry for everything you had to go through.”

It was hard to be upset when I was reunited with my daughter, with my firstborn, the little girl who’d made me a father for the first time. Pride flooded through me because I had two exceptional children, all thanks to the woman who’d survived childbirth and gave them to me.

We walked to the castle and up the stairs to the great room. My mother was there, and I embraced her as she squeezed me the same way I had Harlow. Then I turned to see Aurelias, standing in his uniform and armor, his heavy sword across his back, ready for war as if it was on our doorstep.

The energy in the room immediately changed.

Even if I didn’t know about Harlow and Aurelias, I would have realized it in that moment. I noticed his eyes were on Harlow, while her eyes were anywhere but on his.

Aurelias shifted his back to me. “We were able to find the components we need for the detonators. Because of the size of the crystal, we’ll need as many as we can make. At least fifty. We should be done tomorrow, so we can head out soon afterward.”

I gave a nod.

He gave a slight nod to me and walked away, leaving the great room and taking the stairs as if he intended to leave the castle altogether.

Harlow’s energy was different now. Her arms were crossed over her chest, and she looked forlorn when she’d just been ecstatic a few seconds ago.

My mother looked at me, and a quick exchange took place between us before she walked off to her chambers down the hallway.