“I don’t give a shit if they sense me,” Huntley snapped. “As long as that crystal is gone before they do.”
Beast took us back to the surface, sliding along the different crevices and chasms, maneuvering in the dark when the rest of us were blind. He used his body to breach the surface, to break through the rock and sand at the top to poke his head out. It’sss clear.
We climbed up through the hole, the world in darkness because it was sometime in the middle of the night.
“That’s why the ground shakes…” Huntley said to himself more than anyone else. His bleeding seemed to have stopped, but he was still pale like he’d lost more blood than he should have.
The ring of fire was far in the distance, and the tents of the Teeth were visible in their bonfire.
“Thank you for your help, Beast,” I said. “You really saved our asses back there.”
I know. He stuck his head out farther, his massive head visible, his eyes like orbs in the darkness.
I grinned. “Will you be okay?”
There will be consequencesss, but that’sss my burden to bear.
“If we destroyed the crystals and killed the demons, would you be free?”
“That’s why you helped us.”
Yesss. But alssso…we’re the sssame.
“Yes, we are the same,” I said. “Come with us. You can meet us on the other side.”
I cannot.
Beast stared at me for several long seconds. He’ll hurt my hatchlingsss…
“Oh…I’m sorry.” And I was sorry, especially when I felt the emotional turmoil in his chest. “We’ll defeat them so you can be free, Beast. So your family can be free.”
I hope sssoo.
“How will I find you again?”
He perched up his head and turned to the mountains farther east, where the Exiles of Palladium were hidden. There’s a passsage near the mountains. Follow it until you can go no farther. I will check the passsage every day until your return.
“Then we shall meet again, Beast.”
We ssshall.
Huntley came to my side. “Tell him I’m grateful for his aid?—”
Beast suddenly hissed, opening his jaws wide and releasing a terrifying threat. I am no male.
“Oh…I’m sorry.”
“What did I say?” Huntley asked.
“Um, she’s a girl.”
“When you said your name was Beast, I just assumed…”