Page 15 of Clash of Kingdoms

“But what we really need are the vampires,” Grandmother said. “We can’t do this alone.”

Father turned to look at Aurelias, like this was somehow his fault.

Aurelias spoke. “I disagree with your plan. Stepping into their domain without any knowledge of their world is foolish and will only get you killed?—”

“Then what’s your idea?” Father snapped.

“The Teeth.”

Father’s hostility slowly faded.

“They must have reached the east by now,” Aurelias said. “They’re the ones who forged an alliance with these demons. Perhaps we can convince them to sever the deal and spare the Kingdoms. If that partnership is successful, that eliminates all our problems.”

Father continued his hard stare, not blinking once.

“That is a good plan,” Uncle Ian said in agreement. “Far safer than entering their territory unannounced.”

“I agree,” Mother said.

When my father spoke, he said every word slowly, his anger seething. “You expect me to speak to the fiends who arranged my daughter’s kidnapping? You expect me to look them in the eye…and not slaughter them all?”

“Then I will go,” Uncle Ian said.

“No,” Father said quickly. “I will go—because they know I’ll look for any reason to kill them.” He turned back to Aurelias. “Aurelias will join me—since he knows them so well.” My father had respected Aurelias when he left, but the memory of what had happened to me infuriated him all over again.

Aurelias held my father’s gaze before he turned to Kingsnake. They shared a look, a long one without words, but they seemed to come to an understanding. He looked at my father again. “I will join you, Huntley. Only because I know my brothers will protect Harlow in my absence.”



I stood with Kingsnake in his chambers, prepared to depart and leave my woman behind. Fang was wrapped around his shoulders, his tongue slipping in and out every few seconds, his eyes bright and fiery.

“You don’t trust me?” Kingsnake crossed his arms over his chest.

My eyes lifted to his. “I thought I was the one who could read minds.”

A subtle grin moved on to his lips. “Four vampires protecting Harlow is better than one. If anything, she’ll be safer than if it were just you.”

“Would you trust me to protect Larisa?”

His smile slowly faded as his gaze hardened. “Completely.”

My eyes shifted to the window to avoid his look.

“She’ll be alright, Aurelias,” he said. “What are you afraid of?”

“That I won’t return…” My eyes came back to him.

“I know you aren’t afraid of dying.”

“And you’d be right about that.”

“I gave you my word that I wouldn’t leave these lands until these demons were defeated and peace had returned to humankind.”

“You have your own kingdom, Kingsnake.”

He gave a slight shrug. “Viper is a great king, even if he refuses to believe it. And with the werewolves defeated and humankind enslaved by Father, the Kingdoms don’t really mean much anymore…”