Page 128 of Clash of Kingdoms

“You don’t have to do this.”

“I don’t want to be human,” I said simply. “But I want to be with her more than I don’t want to be human. So, there’s my answer.”

Kingsnake spoke with the witch on the doorstep, and they remained in conversation for a while.

Fang left his pouch on the horse then slithered up my body, wrapping around my shoulders just the way he did with Kingsnake. I’ll misss you.

We’ll see each other again, friend.

But we won’t be able to ssspeak.

No…we won’t.

I’m not sssorry that your father isss dead. But I’m sssorry for you.

I know, Fang.

They are all sssad that you’re leaving. Asss am I.

This is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. Even harder than killing my father…

But asss much as it hurtsss, it’sss the right choice. I knew Larisssa was right for Kingsssnake. I know Harlow isss right for you. Ssshe’sss decent at cardsss.

That’s how you approve people? If they’re good at cards?

You can learn everything you need to know about sssomeone in cardsss. Ssshe’sss competitive, but she never cheatsss. Ssshe’sss not dissscouraged by her losssesss and keepsss trying. Ssshe’sss willing to play with me even when ssshe doesssn’t want to, just to make me happy. Mossst people are afraid of sssnakesss, but ssshe doesssn’t judge a book by it’sss cover. Ssshe gave me a chance when mossst people wouldn’t. Her heart isss pure. I can sssee it.

Thank you for your approval, Fang.

The witch came over, dressed in billowing black robes, her hair as dark as midnight. She was young and attractive, but I knew witches could change their appearance on a whim. “Your father was deceptive and unkind. I didn’t care for him, and I’m not sorry for your loss.”

I didn’t have anything to say to that.

“I would refuse to help you, but your brother tells me you do this for love. Is that true?”

I still couldn’t believe I was about to do this. “Yes.”

“You choose to spend one life with a human rather than spend an eternity with a vampire.”


“For that reason alone, I will help you. Are you certain this is what you want?”

I looked around at my family members, all of whom would live for thousands of years after my death. I would be a memory to them, and then one day, they would probably forget what I looked like. The choice pained me, but it was the only choice I could make. “Yes, I’m certain.”

The galleon was prepared for the voyage across the sea. I had a crew to escort me to the shore, leave me behind, and then return. The ship bobbed at the dock, the crew already on board, getting the ship ready to sail out of the cove. It was another cold day, the fog thick and heavy, but the experienced sailors would be able to get out to sea safely.

Kingsnake and the others stood on the dock, ready to say goodbye.

But no one said a word.

Neither did I.

I looked at all of them, words failing me. I knew this was what I wanted, but it was still the hardest thing I’d ever had to do. Now I actually wished Cobra would say something inappropriate to make this easier, but he didn’t. He was dead serious, his expression hard. I couldn’t feel their emotions like I used to, but I could tell they were all heartbroken. “I love you all.” It was all I could muster myself to say.

Kingsnake made a slight nod before he gave me a hug.

I hugged him back, Fang wrapping around my neck to hug me with his body.