Page 118 of Clash of Kingdoms

“I would never turn another man’s woman,” he said. “That’s not acceptable conduct.”

“But this is a different circumstance.”

“Harlow.” His eyes narrowed. “I would be sick to my stomach if Aurelias turned my wife. I would never turn his—not without his consent.” His eyes softened again. “I’m sorry. You can ask Cobra if you want, but he’ll tell you the same thing. This is something you and Aurelias need to agree on together.”

Larisa moved her hand to my arm. “But I agree with Aurelias. It’s not fair for you to make the sacrifice if he’s not willing to do the same for you. I know you love him, but you deserve more than that.”

“You became a vampire for Kingsnake…”

“But he would have become human for me if I’d asked. We ultimately determined this was best for us as a couple.”

My eyes dropped to the floor, the sadness gripping me by the throat. “I don’t think I’ll ever get over him.”

Larisa moved into me and hugged me.

“He did all of this for me…just to let me go?”

“I’m sorry.” She rubbed my back.

I started to cry, my chin on her shoulder.

Kingsnake drew near, placing his hand on my shoulder. “I’m sorry. Fang is too.”

The vampires had packed up their belongings and were prepared to return to the coast where their ships were waiting. They would sail back to their lands far away across the sea, to a place I wouldn’t be able to find again even if I wanted to.

A part of me didn’t want to say goodbye to Aurelias. Just hide in the cottage until it was too late. To see him ride away for the last time and leave me here alone, a place that would never feel the same after he’d left his mark everywhere.

But I knew how much it would hurt Aurelias to let that be our last conversation, when I stormed out with tears streaming down my face and he was too naked to follow me. And the last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt him.

So, I dressed and left the cottage, running straight into my father.

He was dressed in his uniform but without his armor and sword. He looked me over, seeing me in a long-sleeved dress and boots. My hair was done, and my face was made-up. If this was the last time Aurelias ever saw me, I wanted his memory of me to be the prettiest I’d ever been.

My father gave me a quick once-over. “I’m glad you changed your mind.”

We walked together through the city and down the path to the gate. The vampires were ready to go, their steeds saddled for the ride, already lined up in their ranks. My mother and brother were there to say their goodbyes. Kingsnake and Cobra stood with Fang and their wives.

And Aurelias was in the center, wearing the armor my father had gifted him, his family crest combined with ours. He was handsome in the morning light, but his eyes were black and broken. He hadn’t noticed me just yet, but when I drew close enough for him to feel me, his eyes shifted to mine.

Our eyes locked, and every moment we’d shared passed between us.

It was the most painful sensation I’d ever endured.

I stopped several feet away from him, because now that I was there, I realized just how brutal this would be. We stared at each other, neither one of us making the first move, neither one of us wanting to say goodbye.

When nothing happened, Kingsnake approached me. “Take care, Harlow.” He gave me a one-armed hug.

“Thank you for everything.”

“You can call upon your vampire friends for anything.” He gave a nod before he stepped away.

Cobra came next. “I know this sucks…”

A painful smile came through at his candor.

“And I’m sorry that it does.”

“I know.”