PJ throws her arms around me. “Sonny!” she says, and that word communicates volumes. Excitement, pride, hope.
Meanwhile, my siblings look confused.
“What do you mean?” Anthony asks.
“I’ve loved playing football, but it demands too much without giving enough back.”
“You’re insanely rich.” Gabe points out.
“Not compared to the twins,” PJ mutters. I cover her mouth with my hand. She smirks as she tugs it down and intertwines our fingers.
“Money isn’t everything,” I say. “And it’s time for me to pursue a better dream.”
“He means PJ,” Chris whispers.
Sienna squeezes his cheeks and kisses him on the mouth. “Keep up, Chrissy Poo. He’s talking about retiring and taking a broadcasting job.”
“WHAT?” Anthony and Gabe say in unison. “Already?” Anthony asks.
“Why not?”
“Because of the money!” Gabe says. “And the endorsements and fame!”
“Lauren,” Dad says to Gabe’s wife. “Can you control him?”
Lauren nods, patting Gabe’s shoulder. “Babe, it’s not like you’re living in a Dickens novel. Calm down.”
“I don’t think you know how much lead color commentators make,” Millie says, her eyes glistening with happiness. “Aren’t Aikman and Romo getting eighteen mil a year?”
“Look at you, talking football like a legit NFL wife,” Jane says.
“She’s not an NFL wife. Duke’s a therapy husband,” Ash says.
“So,” PJ starts, “what does this mean?”
“It means we have a lot more time to figure things out between us,” I say, my heart skipping at the way her chest is rising and falling faster and faster. Seeing her get excited is making it very hard for me to share this moment with my family.
“I like that,” she says breathlessly, and her breathlessness about destroys my willpower.
“I, uh, think it’s time we get going,” Amber says.
“Us too,” Lauren agrees.
“Same,” Sienna says.
Each of the women in the room—including my mom—give us a quick hug and promise to talk later. PJ looks embarrassed, but no one is bothered.
And soon, we’re alone.
Our mouths find each other the second the door closes. I scoop PJ into my lap and kiss her until we are a mess of love and emotion. Her flushed cheeks are so alluring, I go in for more.
I don’t know how much later it is when we come up for air, but it’s pitch black outside when we do.
PJ looks dizzy. Seeing that dreamy look on her face is like setting a dry field ablaze. I’ve never stopped loving this woman, and the idea that she feels the same way is intoxicating.
“So this is really happening. We are really happening.”