Page 124 of It's Always Sonny

“Now where were we?” he asks.

I tell him exactly where we were without saying a single word.

After a few quick kisses, we return to the pavilion where things have settled down and most of the cake and cupcakes have already been eaten.

Maybe those kisses weren’t as quick as I thought.

Nonna and Bob are sitting together, and Bob looks like he’s on his best behavior. Although, the guy is a retired general. He probably sleeps with his spine that straight.

Sonny’s dad sees us and waves us in. He and his siblings are standing near their mother on the stage.

“Mom,” Elaine says, “you already have an impressive resume, but you’ve managed to create a family that knows how to fight and make up. That’s no small thing.”

“Treat her right, Bob,” Uncle Bruno says. “We’re scarier than any military on earth.”

“Noted,” Bob says.

Now it’s Sonny’s dad’s turn. “We know some of you have flights to catch or long drives ahead of you, so thank you for staying as long as you could. We miss you. There is never enough time together,” he says, his voice cracking. My eyes water like I’m cutting an onion. “Before we leave, though, we have to give out the award.”

Edward grins at Ash, who brings the grand trophy up. And it’s then that I notice my friends are here. Why? Lou, Millie, and Jane wave at me from the back and I give them a confused wave back. I guess some of the staff are still out from the storm. Maybe they’re helping with cleanup.

“This trophy is part of a new tradition, and I think I speak for everyone here when I say it’s one we’ll all look forward to fighting for at our next family reunion.”

Everyone claps and whistles.

“Hear hear!” Sienna shouts, raising her water bottle in my direction.

“And you should know that Nonna, Aunt Mary, and your parents,” Edward says, gesturing to his siblings and their spouses, “took this very seriously. Being crowned ‘Ultimate Luciano’ is no small thing. Fortunately, our decision couldn’t have been easier.”

He holds the trophy out in Sonny’s direction, and a grin breaks across my face as I look at the man who radiates light and goodness and perfectly embodies his wild and wonderful family.

“You are the Ultimate Luciano,” Edward says. “Congratulations, Parker!”

I gasp.

Sonny whoops and picks me up like a sack of potatoes.

“That’s my girl!” he yells, taking me for a spin around the room. Sonny’s family jumps to their feet and cheers wildly. The Janes are all laughing and giggling in the back, except for Ash, who is screaming louder than anyone. I tuck my face into Sonny’s back, but he laughingly sets me down on the stage next to the OG Lucianos, who are all beaming.

Lisa pulls me into the tightest, most loving hug a mother could give. I fold into her, and suddenly, Sonny’s dad, siblings, and their spouses are all getting in on it.

“That’s our girl,” Lisa says, correcting her son. “We love her, too, you know.”

My ears and face are on fire, and I don’t know what to say.

No, that’s not true. I know exactly what to say, even if I feel on the spot saying it.

“Thank you. I love you guys, too.”

Nonna chuckles behind me. “See you all back here in two months for the wedding,” she says. “Can you make that happen, sis?”

I look at Jane, who laughs and nods.

I smile at Nonna. My patronus. My hero. “We’ll be ready for you.”

Chapter Thirty-Four
