“I never stopped loving you, Sonny. You’re it for me. It’s always been you.”
He buries his head against my neck and shoulder. I expect him to say something, but he just hugs me, and I hug him, and even though I can’t feel his heartbeat, I have no doubt our hearts are beating as one.
Chapter Thirty-Two
There’s a feeling of nostalgia as we drive PJ’s golf cart around the grounds the next day. We pass the horseshoe pit and the pickleball courts, the tetherball and the glampgrounds. We’re supposed to check out at one p.m., but Rusty comes over with Jane and her linebacker of a husband to tell us to stay as long as we want.
I haven’t had much chance to talk to Tripp or Rusty yet, so this is our first time really talking.
PJ and Jane watch us like eager moms setting up their first play date.
“So you’re the one that got away, huh?” Tripp asks.
“Not exactly,” I say. “More like I was shoved away.”
As if proving my point, PJ pushes my arm.
“I’m not talking about Parker, I’m talking about Ash. Your abs are her white whale.”
There’s no mistaking Rusty’s bristling. “Steady, pal,” I laugh, clutching Rusty’s shoulder. “I was never a threat. And my abs were her white whale.” I look at the love of my life, at the sly, unapologetic arch of her brow. “A certain someone gave Ash and my entire family an eyeful.”
“And it was grotesque,” Sienna yells out in passing. “Don’t do that to us again, PJ.”
“No promises,” PJ yells back.
Be still my heart. She’s making threats to my siblings.
“Ash is relentless,” Tripp says. “The first time we met, she tried to bite me.”
Rusty sounds like he’s choking. I get the sense that Tripp isn’t as observant of Rusty’s emotions as … everyone else in the world.
“You okay, man?” Tripp slaps a hand on Rusty’s back, and the dude almost falls forward.
“Yep. I’m fine,” Rusty says.
“Good.” Tripp says. “Safe travels, Sonny. Looking forward to seeing you around.”
Jane gives me a quick hug, and then she and Tripp head out. Rusty starts to follow when I grab him.
“Hey, thanks for everything this week. We really appreciate it.”
Rusty nods. “No problem. Just doin’ my job.”
“Nah, you went above and beyond. You’re a good man, Rusty.”
Am I imagining it, or does Rusty’s gaze darken? He nods and follows his friend and mine, and I’m left wondering what I said that upset him.
“Did I lay it on too thick?” I ask.
PJ leans against me. We haven’t gone full PDA in front of my family yet, but she’s not shying away, either. “No, Rusty’s a hard guy to read. I think he bottles a lot of stuff up.”
“Huh.” I say, looking at PJ. “Sounds like someone I know.”
“Yeah, except I’m not madly in love with Ash.”
I chuckle and put my hands on her hips. “Does she have any clue?”