Page 115 of It's Always Sonny

She splashes hot water in my face, making my grin even bigger. “Hey, my heart is on my sleeve.”

“You’re shirtless.”

“You noticed.” She’s fighting a smile, and dang it, if that doesn’t make me want to wind her up. But this is the instinct that got me into trouble with her seven years ago, isn’t it?

No, not quite. It wasn’t the instinct that was the problem, it was the timing.

“I’ve told you how I feel, and you’re telling me you want to be whole. That’s a pretty loaded term after what Nonna said earlier. So indulge me.”

She doesn’t meet my eye, instead bringing her hand up to the back of my head and running her hand over my short hair. She’s fixated on it, and I’m not letting myself get fixated on the feeling of her hand caressing me.

Parker Jane is sitting on my lap.

And caressing me.

The universe really does love me.

“Before I say anything, you have to know my wounds are always going to be there. I’ll have scars, and I’ll be … imperfect at trying to be whole.”

“Scars fade over time,” I say. Her sleek dark hair is up in a high ponytail, and the ponytail is dripping hot water down her face since her little plunge. A single lock at the base of her neck has pulled out from the elastic. I twirl it around my finger, letting my hand graze PJ’s neck and back. Her almond eyes grow heavier, as if the effort to keep focusing on me is so great when all she wants is to succumb to my touch. “It’s possible to heal from injuries and get stronger, though.”

“Only if you’re superhuman,” she whispers.

I smile wide, still twirling that hair. “You followed the story about me?”

She rolls her face fully into my neck, almost like she’s embarrassed. Her breath against my skin speeds up my pulse. “I’ve followed every story about you. I’ve watched every interview, listened to every podcast and radio show. I follow you on social media under a fake name.”

I could float into space. “You love me.”

She puts a finger over my lips. “Oh, shush.”

“No, it’s okay,” I tease. And then I put my fingers to her chin and open it for her. “I love you, Sonny,” I say in a high voice, pretending to be PJ, “and I never stopped loving you, and losing you was the hardest thing that’s ever happened to me, and even now, I miss you so much it hurts.”

I’m being over the top, but she doesn’t deny it.

Not a single word.

Wait, am I right? I knew she still cared about me—a lot—but is what I said right?

My voice trembles. “PJ, if you don’t deny it, we both know exactly what happens next.”


“You’re not denying it.”

“Because it’s true,” she whispers.

And with that, she lifts her head and pulls my face to hers.

Chapter Thirty-One


Our mouths fuse together, and the effect is electrifying. His lips are familiar and new all at once, and the combination makes me heady with a need to explore. I’m a cartographer mapping out the changes to this land following an earthquake, and my instruments are my lips and my hands roving over his body.

I’m fascinated by everything I find.

His short hair drives me crazy.