My mouth spreads in a smile as wide as the Grand Canyon. I roll onto my back and pull PJ snug against my side, not that we have space for much else.
“You can come in. We’re decent,” PJ says.
“Ish,” I add.
She pinches my side and I grab her hand and keep smiling.
Seconds later, Ash and Sienna have the flap opened and are crouched outside. There’s barely room for two people in here. I’m glad they don’t try to make it four.
Sienna has a satisfied smirk on her face, whereas Ash is practically bouncing.
“What happened to your clothes?” Sienna asks innocently.
“Hypothermia,” I say. “Safety first.”
“Uh huh,” Sienna says.
“I’ll grab these,” Ash says, taking our wet clothes and shoes and stuffing them into a large tote. Then she drops a bag for PJ and Sienna drops one for me. “Here. Sonny, why don’t you get out of the sleeping bag and get dressed first so Parker can have some privacy.”
“We’re a little past that, don’t you think?” I ask.
“No,” Ash says. “Up and out.”
Sienna ducks out, but Ash stays crouched.
“Uh, okay,” I say. “Can I have some privacy?” Ash just waits expectantly. “Holy moly, Ash, is this all a ploy for you to see my tummy waffles?”
Parker cackles while Sienna pokes her head back down. “I don’t think I’m okay with people talking about or looking at my brother’s tummy waffles, whatever they are. What are they?”
Ash narrows her eyes like a super villain who’s just been foiled. “They’re abs, and I have reason to suspect that your brother’s abs are the best there ever were.”
“You should look to your boy Rusty,” Sienna tells her.
“Rusty? Why?”
“Girl, are you serious? The dude is stacked.”
“Yoked,” I say.
“Jacked,” PJ adds.
“Ripped,” Sienna says.
“I don’t know why you’re saying those words. What does any of that mean?”
Parker groans. “You ran an abs page, Ash. How do you still not know gym speak?”
“I also eat a lot of sausage, too, but I don’t know how it’s made. Speak English.”
“He works out,” I say. “I bet his abs could hang with mine.”
Ash tilts her head. “Rusty? My Rusty?” She blinks a few times. “I mean, yeah, his arms are pretty big. And he can lift a crazy amount. But I never thought of him as being like …”
“Stacked?” I say. “Yoked?”
“That stuff.”