“No.” He wipes the tear away and cups my face. “I’m a man in love with you.”

He kisses me softly as my heart pounds with light and love. “Really?” I ask.

“Yes.” He gazes into my eyes. “I love you, Lottie Linney.”

“I love you, too,” I say.

Scott holds me tighter, his kiss deep and true. “And I really love the scent of your mini muffins baking in the oven, so this is gonna be awesome.”

I laugh and throw my arms around him, my dream coming true.



One Year Later

“Goodnight, you two!” I say to the couple as they exit the bakery.

I follow behind them, locking the door and turning the welcome sign to the CLOSED side.

It’s been a long day, but it’s only about to get better.

After stacking the chairs on the tables and giving the hardwood floor a quick sweep, I rush behind the counter to lock up the cabinets and take the register into the back office.

As I pass through the kitchen, I pause to pre-heat the oven. Sure, we’re closed for the day, but I still have a little baking to do tonight.

After securing the safe, I hear the entrance bell chime.

A cold chill rolls down my spine.

I swear I locked that door.

“Hello?” I shout from the kitchen.

No answer.

I grab the nearest broom and hold it close as I peek around the doorway and...

“Scott!” I scold.

He smiles at me, standing at the counter in an adorable suit and tie. “Hi, there,” he says, glancing at the menu over my head. “I’m in the mood for some muffins.”

“You scared the crap outta me!” I say, putting the broom away. “Why aren’t you with the kids? Where are the kids?”

“They’re with Summer at my house,” he answers.

“Oh. Good.” I squint. “Why are you here?”

“We have a date,” he says, as if that were obvious.

“Right,” I say. “But we were supposed to meet at my house in an hour.”

Scott steps around the counter to meet me. “And I thought... I’d surprise you here instead.” He kisses me. “Hi.”

I smile. “Hi.”

“Long day?”