“It’s no problem, really.”
“His father was supposed to keep him today and he’s...” I stop, that sense of silent frustration brewing in me once more. “He just dumped him at home instead of bringing him to the diner.”
“The diner?” Scott asks.
“Bruno’s. Where I work.”
“On the square?”
“Yeah.” I exhale hard, the stress of the moment weighing on me. “I’m supposed to work a double shift tonight.” I drop my head into my hands. “Oh, the girls are gonna hate me…”
“Go work your shift,” Scott says. “I’ll watch the kid.”
I raise my head. “No,” I say. “I can’t ask you to do that.”
“Why not? I don’t have anywhere to be. Mostly just unpacking today.”
“No, really. You’ve done enough.”
“I’ve barely done anything.” Scott smiles. “Come on. I’m new to this Small Town neighborly thing. Let me get in some practice.”
I take a breath, coming around to the idea... but this is still the guy who pulled my dreams out from under me. “You can’t,” I say.
“Why not?”
“Because I hate you.”
“More than the girls are gonna hate you for bailing on a double shift?”
I tilt back. “Yes?”
He chuckles. “Liam will be here when you get back. All right? I’ve got juice boxes, fruit snacks. All the best porn.”
I glare at his playful smirk. “Scott.”
“Sorry. Clearly not the best time to joke. But you can trust me. I’m great with kids.”
“Are you?”
“Yes.” He points at himself. “Hot single dad. Remember?”
I exhale hard. It’s not like I have any other option. “Okay,” I say, “but I’ll pay you for your time.”
“You don’t have to.”
“Yes, I do.”
“I’ll tell you what,” he says. “Whip up another batch of those mini muffins and we’ll call it even.”
I narrow my gaze. “You weren’t supposed to eat any of those.”
Scott flashes that handsome smirk.
I look away, ignoring the tickle it sends down my spine. I take another moment to compose myself before returning to the kitchen. “Hey, buddy,” I say.
Liam looks at me as I take a knee next to his chair.
“Mommy needs to go back to the diner, but Scott here is going to look after you while I’m gone. Okay?”