“Are you serious?” I ask.
The mechanic looks me over, no doubt eying my expensive suit and wondering just how much cash he can squeeze out of me.
“Yes,” he says.
Over his shoulder, his tow truck slowly lifts the front of my car, a bit of smoke still seeping out from under the hood.
“You don’t understand,” I say, checking my watch. “I have to be in Big City by two o’clock.”
He chortles. “Well, you’ll be late.”
“How late?”
“Don’t know. Won’t know ‘til I get it back to the shop and have one of the guys take a look at it.”
I deflate. “Can’t you look at it now?”
“Not my area. I just tow.”
“You just tow?”
He nods as he wipes a bit of dirt on his navy blue jumpsuit beneath a logo that reads Small Town Towing.
Well, shit.
I check my watch. It’s nearly noon already. There’s no way I’ll make this meeting in time.
Of all the days to be late. It had to be this one.
All the years I’ve spent building my professional reputation and it could all come crashing down here in...
I glare at the large road sign across the street.
Welcome to Kiss County.
Where people fall in love!
Yeah, right.
Who has time for that?
I spend the ride into Small Town sending off a few emails, hoping my prospective client is in a good mood today. Luckily, as we roll through town, the man’s secretary replies with a kind-worded email, happy to move my appointment from two to three — but no later.
Mr. Stacks is eagerly looking forward to your arrival.
I relax a little at that, my ego sufficiently stroked.
At the auto shop, I sit in one of only two chairs in the waiting room — the other one only has three legs — and wait for the mechanic to come out and update me.
“Busted,” he says as he wipes his greasy hands on an even greasier cloth.
“What’s busted?”
“I can fix her, though.”