“Hm?” I ask, my eyes on the sky.
“You know I love you, right?”
My heart skips. I assumed, of course. Why else would he buy my family’s inn to keep it out of the wrong hands? He’s proven his love for me every day since then. Not only by learning how to run this place and make it better, but by embracing life in Small Town. He’s become quite popular in the last few months, fitting in better than I ever did, that’s for sure.
But no matter how many beautiful Small Town girls cross his path, he always comes home to me.
“Yes,” I answer.
“I do,” Carter says. “I’m sorry I haven’t said it until now, but... I had to be sure.”
I turn my head, gazing at him as another firework lights up the sky. “You’ve said it, Carter,” I say. “Just not with words.”
He leans in and kisses me softly. “Well, from now on, I’ll say it every night.”
“And I’ll say it every morning,” I say, kissing his cheek. “I love you, Carter.”
A green and orange explosion reflects in his eyes. “Yeah?”
“Yes.” We kiss again, my heart beating louder than the fireworks. “I love you.”
“I love you,” he repeats, his thumb grazing my cheek. “You look beautiful tonight.”
I wiggle in his embrace, enjoying the compliments and his undivided attention. “Oh, stop.”
With a laugh, he curls his arms around me again and we settle in the boat to watch the rest of the show. Small Town always goes all out with their firework shows, the Fourth of July weekend being one of the busiest weekends for camping in Kiss County.
The show ends with a minute-long finale, the sky so bright it blocks out the moon. We hear applause from the other boats and the shore, along with some cheers echoing from the town.
I smile. “Hm?”
“Will you marry me?”
The question drifts past my ear. For a second, I’m sure I misheard or perhaps even overheard a proposal from another boat nearby. But as I turn my head to look at Carter, I see the open velvet box sitting in his hand and I gasp.
There’s a diamond ring inside.
My mother’s ring.
“Carter...” I say. “Where did you get that?”
“Your father gave it to me,” he says.
“Well...” Carter slides the ring out of the box, carefully holding it between two fingers. “I’m pretty sure he’s figured out we’re having sex because he keeps giving me this look.”
He makes a judgmental face, his right eye bulging slightly.
I snort. “He’s such a dork.”
“And the other day, we were out fishing in this very boat, and he asked me if I planned to stay in town indefinitely. I said yes, and he asked if I was staying for you. I said yes again. Then, he went quiet, but he never stopped smiling the rest of the day. The next morning, he gave me this. He told me he trusted me and that he knew I’d make you happy, if you gave me the chance.” Carter slides the ring onto my left ring finger; a perfect fit. “Now, I’m giving it to you, and I’m asking you to be my wife.”
“Carter...” I stare at it, my mind alight with memories of Mom and visions of the future. “We just met.”