“I will.”

Not wanting to watch him go, I open my hand for the key. “Give it here, Papa. I’ll head up and strip the linen.”

“I can do it, honey,” he says. “You’re clocked out.”

“No, I got it.”

He drops it into my hand and smiles at Carter. “That’s my Mickey. Always on top of things.”

Carter smiles politely, his eyes playfully finding mine over Papa’s shoulder.

With blush on my cheeks, I walk around the front desk toward the stairs. Pausing, I turn back around. “It was nice to meet you, Carter,” I say, finding words.

Carter looks softly at me. “You, too, Mika,” he says.

I turn away, listening to them finishing up as I climb the stairs. Picking up my pace, I reach the end of the hallway and escape into Room 1 before the tears prickling my lashes fall.

I plant my back against to the closed door. For a few moments, I stand still, my eyes glued to the ceiling, knowing that eventually I’ll have to look down. I’ll have to remember all the hours I spent hiding in the closet or beneath the bed, waiting for my mother to come and find me and shower me with sweet kisses. I’ll have to pick up the pillows and strip the bed, thinking of the way I woke up in Carter’s embrace and we made love again in the good morning hours.

I’ll have to say goodbye.

To the inn. To my mother.

To Carter.

I sit down and cry.




Welcome to Big City!

I first spot the skyscrapers on the horizon one hour north of Small Town, but the signs and billboards spoke of its wonders for miles before. Shops and restaurants. Hotels and attractions. One could find anything they could ever need in Big City, or so they promise.

The closer I get to my destination, the more I can’t shake the feeling I forgot something.

I checked the room over twice, as always, so I know I left nothing behind. Still, the feeling is pervasive enough that I pulled off the road halfway through my journey to double-check for my wallet and phone charger.

Then I felt the eyes of a bunch of bikers wondering what I was doing in their parking lot, so I burned rubber right on out again.

The feeling persists as I arrive at the offices of Sure Thing Estates. I manage to shake it off as I make my way inside and greet the pretty secretary up front.

“Oh, you’re the acquisitions guy!” she says, her mouth full of pink gum. “Mr. Stacks has been expecting you.”

I start to explain my car trouble, but she doesn’t seem to care, already tapping her headset and chirping into it.

“Mr. Stacks, Mr. Cartwright is here to see you. Finally.”

She points me toward the chairs along the wall, and I head over to them. Before I can even sit down, a set of large wooden doors open across the room. A man steps out. He’s short and stout, with a bald and shiny head and a perfectly tailored pinstripe suit. Truthfully, it’s about what I expected. Most of the guys in this business look exactly the same way.

“Mr. Cartwright!” he greets as he shuffles toward me, his hand outstretched. “It’s about damn time.”

I stand up and bow apologetically. “I’m very sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Stacks. I had some car trou?—”

“Oh, pay no mind to that.” He laughs, still violently shaking my hand. “I would have waited forever for a guy like you. You’ve got quite the résumé.”