My dad warned me that our senior year would be a lot of last times, but I didn’t expect to have these emotions this early in the year.
Yes, we still cheer for the upcoming basketball season, but it’s not the same. There’s something about Friday night lights, when the entire town comes out to support our hometown heroes on the field. For me though, it’s all about cheering on my three closest friends—Ben, Dalton, and Eli.
Growing up in Leighton River, Montana, has had some disadvantages, but some advantages as well. I might not have many choices of who to date, but the guy friends I have are the three best dudes a girl could have.
Our dads grew up in Leighton River, but moved to California to go to Stanford with their eyes set on being a part of the growing Silicon Valley tech world. After graduation, they started a gaming company called TimeLand, only to move the entire company back to this little town, which changed it completely—whether that was a good or a bad thing depends on who you ask. Some people love the jobs and money it piped into the community while others miss the small-town vibe that will never be like it was before TimeLand.
Though my dad and his three friends all worked on building the company together, Mike, Dalton’s dad, is the mastermind and owner of the company. My dad, along with Ben’s and Eli’s dads, are all stakeholders and cited as creators of the game that has blown up all over the world.
My dad never liked living in California, but he loved the company he’d helped his friends create. He was eager to get back to Leighton River, mainly to marry my mom. They were high school sweethearts who split to follow their dreams after graduation, only to both move back to their hometown, hoping to rekindle their relationship.
I’ve always felt their love was the driving force of moving the company back to Leighton River, but after the revelations just released about Mike and the havoc he caused on the Spencer Ranch, I’m starting to think differently. How one person can hold that much hatred toward someone else is beyond me.
Knowing that he moved the entire company here to take down Randy Spencer and his ranch makes me sick. I knew Dalton never liked his dad, and now, I totally understand why.
For years, we just knew the Spencers hated anything—and anyone—associated with TimeLand. So, when Dalton started dating Natalie, the daughter of Randy Spencer, I thought he’d lost his mind. No matter how many years go by though, the truth always comes out, and for Dalton’s and Natalie’s sake, I’m glad it did.
Since our parents were so close, Dalton, Ben, Eli, and I have been inseparable growing up.
Ben though has always been my absolute best friend—my person. Where Dalton’s and Eli’s moms moved here from California with their husbands, mine and Ben’s grew up in Leighton River and were best friends since they were in grade school.
When my mom passed away from breast cancer, Ben’s parents basically took my dad and me under their wing. I don’t know how we would have survived without them, and it’s made Ben and me even closer over the years.
Our moms always wanted us to end up together, but it’s pretty obvious it will never happen. He’s my best friend in the world, and I would never want to do anything to jeopardize our relationship.
Ben has been kneeling for the entire after-game meeting while his coach talks. He’s so big, and I’m so tiny, which makes us the same height when he’s like this. When he leans his head on my arm, I wrap it around him and bring him closer to my side to comfort him some more.
He loves football, but he has no current plans to continue to play for a college, so knowing this was his last football game must be hitting him harder than he thought it would.
The coach ends the meeting, and Ben stands, only to instantly wrap his arms around me. He’s not one to show too much emotion, so I’m taken aback at first, but then I let him hold me for as long as he wishes.
When he finally releases me, I can tell he’s gotten his composure back, and he turns to slap Dalton on his back. “You ready to party?”
“Hell yeah!” Dalton cheers.
Eli just nods his head in his stoic manner.
“Hop on,” Ben says to me as he leans down so I can climb on his back.
This is our relationship. He’s either carrying me on his back or I’m sitting on his lap. For years, people thought we were a couple, but we’ve never even come close to anything like that ever happening. He’s my person, and he always will be.
Our parents walk up to us before we head out.
“Great game, guys,” my dad says, placing his hand on Ben’s shoulder as my arms are wrapped around his neck.
“Thanks, Tim,” Ben replies.
Wayne, Ben’s dad, comes to give him a hug. “Proud of you, son.”
Ben grins. “Thanks, Dad.”
“You guys are heading back to our place, right?” Sandy, Ben’s mom, asks.
“Of course,” Ben replies like it’s the dumbest question ever.
She shakes her head with a laugh. “Just making sure.”
She always says she’d rather have her home open to everyone than have us out, doing Lord knows what, and we’re extremely thankful we have a place where we can hang out.