Page 25 of Psychic

“I see,” said Irene.

“Patti here,” she said, pointing to the woman with the blonde hair, “she’s all heated up over one of the residents who works for the facility as well. But we’re worried about her because he’s had two wives, and they’ve both died suspiciously.”

“I would be worried about that as well,” said Irene. Beside them, Julia grasped Noah’s hand, seeing the specter behind the older women.

“It’s Gladys,” she whispered. “That’s Gladys.”

The ghost stared at the young woman and handsome man, slowly moving to their table. She looked at them, then noticed that they were looking at her. They were seeing her.

“You can see me?”

They both nodded, not wanting to draw suspicion from others around them.

“Tell them to stop asking questions. They’ll only be killed as well.”

“What happened to you, Gladys?” asked Noah. “We know you were hit by a car, but who hit you?”

“It was either Al or Mike. I’m not sure. I was asking questions about things. Mike married Mr. Browning’s daughter, and then she died shortly after that. Now he’s after Patti and her money. I asked him what he was doing, and he told me to butt out.”

“It was very brave of you, Gladys, but also foolish, I’m afraid. Do you know what he and Al are doing?”

“It’s not just them. There are others. Dozens of others. They came to the facility for a meeting a few days before I was killed. So many men and not one woman.”

“Did you hear what they were talking about?” asked Julia.

“No. We were told it was a private event, and we were not to come to the clubhouse. They even blocked the doors and made sure that we didn’t get near them.”

“Gladys, do you know anything about the women working at Maison Soleil?” asked Julia.

“Oh, they’re all not what they seem. I told them I was a teacher when I came here, which was partly true. I spent the first ten years of my career as a school nurse. Then, I taught biology and nursing at a local technical college.

“I watched those women who claim to be nurses. They don’t know the drugs they’re giving. They have to look them up on their phones, and then they give too much or too little.”

Gladys looked back over at her friends and shook her head. They were asking questions about Mike. Questions that might get them hurt.

“I have to go now. Help my friends,” said Gladys. She disappeared as quickly as she had appeared.

Noah and Julia listened to Ruby, telling Patti she should be careful and not give all of her trust to Mike.

“But he seems to so sweet,” smiled the woman. “And lord, that man knows his way around a woman’s body. I mean, I’ve had lovers since my husband’s death, but he’s on another level.”

“And a man that knows his way around a woman’s body like that has had a lot of practice,” said Ruby. “You asked for my advice. Don’t trust that man.”

“Ma’am,” said Julia, walking toward her.

“What are you doing?” said Noah, pulling back on her arm.

“Helping. Ma’am, while you were here visiting with these fine ladies, your friend Gladys came to us at our table. She’s very worried for you and said to tell you not to trust Mike.”

Patti looked so disappointed Julia thought she might cry. What she should have seen was the man marching toward them.

“There you are,” smiled the man. “Hello, baby. I’ve come to take you home.”


“Mike, what a wonderful surprise!” smiled Patti. He patted her ass, kissing her in front of her friends.

“I was worried when I couldn’t find you. A few of the residents said you all were coming here. They’re all just scammers out to take your money,” said the man. “Don’t waste your money or your time, baby.”