Page 23 of Psychic

“We haven’t,” said Julia.

“But some of us are born with those talents,” said Mama Irene, walking in with Ruby.

“No. Mama, no. Hell, no. Miss Ruby, you’re not my Mama, but you might as well be. Hell, no!” said Gaspar.

“Listen to us,” said Ruby. “You know that your Mama and me can see things, feel things that others can’t. We’re not gonna do anything except take up where Serena left off. We’ll pass out some flyers at the facility, see if we can drum up some business.”

“Any money we raise, we’ll donate to our shelter downtown,” said Irene. “It’ll be kinda fun. Matthew and Sven are gonna hang around with us since the weather is more bearable. We’ll have an umbrella, and it will be fine. Besides, we’ll be right in front of the church if we need to get out of the heat.”

“Mama, I’m not worried about any damn heat or rain or sleet. I’m worried about someone running you over!”

“Well, that’s just silly,” she smirked. “We’d see that comin’.”

“Mama,” said Miller, holding up a hand to Gaspar. He could see that his brother was about to blow a gasket and lose his shit completely. “Mama, I think you all being there might make all of us even more nervous. Plus, won’t it seem suspicious that you’re taking up the same space as Serena?”

“Don’t be silly, Pierre. Ruby and me know what we’re doin’. We’ll give some innocent readings while Noah and Julia offer to talk to any ghosts. U-Jin will do his readings and be there to watch over all of us. Think of all the evidence we can gather.”

“Evidence we can’t use, Mama!” yelled Gaspar.

“Gaspar, your Mama is tryin’ to help. You might show a little more patience and respect,” said Ruby. Gaspar let out a long, slow breath, shaking his head in frustration.

“Yes, ma’am,” he said, shaking his head.

“We’ll take the dogs with us. They can keep anyone who means to harm us at bay.”

“And what if you all discover something you don’t want to hear? What if you do a reading on someone with some horrible, horrific news? Do you realize what you could hear by doing this?” asked Gabe.

“Gabe, baby, I know. Again, you’re all actin’ like Ruby and me are touched in the head.” Gaspar started to open his mouth, but his mother gave him ‘the look.’ The one that said, ‘I wouldn’t if I were you.’

“What does Pops think about this? What about Sven?” asked Gaspar.

“We’re fine with it,” said Sven. “I like that Ruby and Irene want to help with this. Matthew and I will not be far away. We’ll make sure they are taken care of. Besides, we will also have Noah and U-Jin not far away.”

You could tell that the seniors were mulling over the idea. It was a good one, but it involved two of their oldest family members. That only made them more nervous.

“Oh, hi, everyone,” said Otto. “Mama Irene, just letting you know that we spoke to Father Joe at St. Louis Cathedral. He was more than happy for the help to paint the pews. Pork, Kegger, and I will be there the rest of the week.”

Otto disappeared, and Irene looked at her sons.

“Pork, Otto, and Kegger will be painting at St. Louis Cathedral,” said Gaspar. “The cathedral that happens to be a hundred feet from where you’ll be sitting.”

“It’s a happy coincidence, Gaspar. Happy coincidence. We’ll get them flyers handed out this afternoon and set up shop tomorrow. Ruby? Let’s go polish our crystal balls,” smiled the woman.

“Did she just… Did she just say crystal ball?” frowned Gaspar. “I swear. I swear I’m not gonna make it.” The others chuckled at their friend and brother.

“It’s all good, man. Seems like we have a good plan. Let’s see what we can scare up,” grinned Nine.

“Don’t even joke, you asshole!”


Noah and Julia set up their table early the next morning, seated beneath a large umbrella with two comfortable chairs for their potential customers. The graphics team at Belle Fleur helped to make signs for everyone that made them look as if they were professional and well established.

U-Jin walked up, handing them both cups of coffee and beignets, then began setting up his own table.

“Have you done this before?” asked Julia.

“You forget who my parents were. I was trained in a little of everything. I know enough to satisfy people’s curiosity and not cause any harm. If they want to know more, I’ll send them to Ruby and Mama Irene. If they want to know of a deceased loved one, I’ll send them to you. That should work.”