His surprised expression gives way to a grin as he slips onto the seat next to mine. “Chloe Davis in the flesh. Lauren told me you were back, though I didn’t expect to run into you here. It’s been a while. You look…wow.”

I arch a brow at him. “And why would you not expect to find me here? Do I not look like the bar-going type?”

He blinks and then gives me a bashful chuckle. “Oh, well…you know…I don’t think of you as the type to be hitting up the bar by yourself. I pictured you with an entourage at some swanky cocktail party. Or maybe on a date with some Wall Street type who thinks a Rolex is a personality trait. Couldn’t hack it in the city, huh? Had to come back to Newport to find a real man?”

I roll my eyes but can’t help the smirk tugging at my lips.

“Right, because everything in my life revolves around my dating status,” I reply sarcastically. “What about you? Trying to make someone jealous tonight, or are you just here to keep the bartenders company?” Parker has always had this uncanny ability to make me feel comfortable, even with the most awkward of conversations.

He laughs softly, then orders a whiskey for himself and turns fully towards me, leaning against the bar. “I just mean that it doesn’t add up. A woman as smart and beautiful as you, you should have the world at your feet right now.” His eyes twinkle mischievously as he adds, “Or, at least, a few admirers buying you drinks.”

His words catch me off guard, and I tilt my head curiously.

“What makes you think I don’t? Maybe I’m here just incognito, escaping all my admirers,” I retort, though my tone is more curious than defensive.

Parker shrugs carelessly, looking back into his newly arrived drink. “Because you’re here, drinking alone. And if I recall correctly, you were always the life of the party, not the introspective type. Definitely not some old lady sitting at the bar sipping chardonnay by herself.”

For some reason, his words strike a chord in me. I’m left speechless, staring into my glass as his casual observation sinks in. I hadn’t realized until now how obvious my disappointment with my current life is. It’s like he sees right through me, even after all these years of not seeing each other.

Parker seems to sense that he’s struck a nerve; he watches me quietly from the corner of his eye before reaching out to gently squeeze my hand on the bar top. “Hey, I didn’t mean to pry. Just curious about an old friend.”

His touch snaps me out of my thoughts, and I meet his eyes, which are full of understanding, not judgment.

“We all hit rocky roads sometimes, but they always lead somewhere better.” He smiles warmly, adding, “I hope you find what you are looking for.”

His optimism is contagious; it has been ever since we were kids running around in the sand dunes behind our houses. A small smile tugs at the corner of my lips as I clink my wine glass against his whiskey.

“To better roads, then,” I propose, and he grins back at me, nodding his head in agreement.

“To better roads,” he echoes.

We each take a long drink, and then, he shoots me a grin as he swivels on his stool to face me fully.

“So, Lauren tells me you got a job working for Holt,” he says, glancing down at my wine. “Having a tough time with the old man, or just using it as an excuse to come here and see me?”

I grimace. “You could say that. Holt is as charming as a porcupine and twice as prickly.” I smirk before continuing, “But then again, so are you sometimes.”

Parker chuckles, his eyes crinkling at the corners in amusement. “Ah, he’s not so bad once you get past his bark. You need to stand your ground with him.” He leans closer, whispering conspiratorially, “Just like you always did with me.”

“I’ll remember that,” I tell him as I swirl the remnants of my wine in the glass. “If I keep the job, that is.” I raise an eyebrow playfully. “Maybe you can give me some tips on handling difficult men.”

Parker gives me a hard look, concern creasing his forehead. “You’re not thinking of quitting, are you?” He adds with a teasing smile, “Or maybe you just need an excuse to hang out with me more?”

I shrug, keeping it casual. “I don’t know yet.” I meet his gaze, a hint of challenge in my eyes. “Why, would you miss me if I did?”

He shakes his head vehemently.

“No, you can’t quit.” His tone is adamant, his gaze earnest.

“And why’s that?” I ask, surprised by his reaction. It’s not like him to lose his cool and seem almost panicked. Maybe he’s changed, though, and Lauren’s rubbed off on him, made him more in tune with his emotions.

“Because...” He hesitates and then leans in closer, lowering his voice to a whisper, “Because I know what you’re capable of, Chloe. You're amazing.” His eyes lock onto mine, full of sincerity. “And I’ve always believed in you.”

His words stir something inside me. I find his belief in me both exhilarating and terrifying because part of me wants to believe him while another part fears the disappointment that may ensue if he’s wrong. But right now, his confidence feels like a lifeline.

He releases a sigh and leans back on his stool but doesn’t break eye contact with me.

“Parker…” I start but find myself at loss for words. “You always know what to say.”