Page 55 of By His Rule

Tate has told me all about it and shown me everything she and her team have come up with for its launch.

It looks incredible, and just like this, it was a passion project of Kingston’s that Micheal didn’t believe in.

It’s going to be a huge success; I just know it is.

“That’s different,” Kian argues.

“How? The place was a money pit,” he says, trying to mimic the way Kian said the words a moment ago. “But it’s going to be huge. This could be too. We’ll be stamping our brand over every corner of the UK. It’s what we’ve always talked about.”

Kingston’s excitement about this project shines through, but even I can see Kian’s concerns over the figures.

“Bro.” Kian sighs, dragging his hand across his jaw.

“I know. I fucking know, okay? I can see the numbers just as well as you can. But this is going to work, I can fucking feel it.”

The two brothers continue their silent argument before Kingston rips his eyes away and turns them on me.

I want to shrink under his intense stare, but I don’t. I hold my head high and pray that he’s not about to drag me into his argument.

Apparently, I didn’t pray hard enough.

“Lorelei, you’ve just listened to everything. What do you think?”

“Err…I’m not sure my opinion is important here.”

Kingston glances at Kian briefly before coming back to me.

“Of course it is. Tatum trusts you. Kian clearly does, too. So, if you had to make the call on this, what way would you go?”

My heart races and my palms begin to sweat.

This wasn’t what I signed up for.


“You don’t have to answer that,” Kian mutters, clearly pissed off as he pushes his chair back and stands.

“I just want her thoughts. Nothing wrong with that, little brother.”

Kian tenses, his fingers curling into fists beside me.

“I do love your vision for it,” I tell King honestly hoping it stops them bickering. “But I also agree with Kian. The figures I’ve seen today are bad.”

Kingston sighs heavily, falling back into his seat and looking up at the ceiling.

“Are you done? We have other meetings to attend,” Kian snaps.

“Sure,” he agrees.

Kian immediately marches through the door, not bothering to wait for me to catch up.

“Christ,” I mutter as I rush to put my iPad and pencil into my purse.

“You’ve got your work cut out for you with him, I hope you know that, Lorelei.”

“I’m learning fast,” I say quickly before racing to the door.

“He’s not used to having someone else take the weight, but he needs it. Recently, he’s been…”