“I won’t let anything happen to her. You look after yourself, yeah? We’ll be watching.”
“Do you know any college scouts?” he asks hopefully.
“I’ll do everything I can,” I promise him before he nods in acceptance and turns to Lorelei.
Hendrix doesn’t give me a warning; he just shakes my hand and thanks me for being there for his sister.
Only a few minutes later, we stand there as the three of them walk out.
Reaching for Lorelei, I pull her into my arms the moment they disappear from view and hold her tight.
She trembles and my heart breaks for her.
I can’t imagine being so far away from my brothers. It’s weird enough when Kieran is out of town for an away game.
“You’ll see them again soon.”
“I hate leaving them,” she whispers. “I hate knowing that they’re here.”
“They’re so lucky to have you, Temptress.”
She blows out a shaky breath and holds me closer.
“Take me home, Kian. I don’t belong here anymore.”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
I throw a load of bills onto the table to cover the check and lead my girl out to the car.
My girl.
Fuck. There are two words I never thought I’d say.
“Your place or mine?” I ask once we’ve pulled out of the airport parking.
Lorelei hesitates, and I can’t help but wonder if it’s because she wants to go home alone or if she’s scared I’m going to suggest she move in with me.
Honestly, if I didn’t think she’d freak out then I would.
I know what I want, and I’m more than happy to dive in with both feet. But something tells me that she’s going to need a little more time to get her head around all of this.
She glances over at me.
“I need to get some things from mine, but?—”
“Say no more,” I say, taking a turn at the last minute that will lead us directly to my place.
“But my apartment is?—”
“You don’t need to pick anything up, Temptress. Everything you could possibly need is already at my place.”
“What have you done?” she asks suspiciously.
I smirk and push my foot harder against the gas, needing to get her home so that I can finally have her to myself.
Last night was nice and all, but I need more.
I need everything.