Page 284 of By His Rule

It’s been a long time since I came to hide down here. It seems like the perfect spot for the conversation we need to have.



Ifollow Lorelei down onto the dark, silent beach.

The moon is sitting high in the sky, and there are stars twinkling down at us.

It’s beautiful. Peaceful. Two things that I’m not sure are often used to describe this place I’ve found myself in.

Finding a spot she likes, Lorelei suddenly drops down, crossing her legs and staring out at the calm ocean before us.

Lowering myself to the patch of sand beside her, I follow her lead, waiting for her to speak first.

It takes long, torturous minutes, but eventually, her soft voice rings through the air.

Her words might be predictable, but they don’t sting any less than the first time I heard them.

“You shouldn’t have come here.”

“Because you’re afraid that I’ll judge you for where you grew up? Or because you’re terrified to face me and the reality of this thing between us?”

“Because you should be in Chicago getting ready for work in the morning.”

“So should you,” I counter.

“Kian,” she sighs.

“No,” I snap, a little harsher than intended. “Don’t do that. Don’t make out like you’re not as important as me.”

“I’m not. I’m just your?—”

“Everything?” I ask, cutting her off.

A bitter laugh spills from her lips.

“You need to stop.”

“No,youneed to stop. I know you’re scared, Lorelei. I know I terrified you with everything I said on Friday night. But…don’t you think that I’m scared too?” I ask, reaching for her hand.

I expect her to pull away instantly, but she surprises me and allows me to lace our fingers together.

She hangs her head and lets out a huge breath.

“I didn’t think anyone with the surname of Callahan was scared of anything.”

“Then you don’t know me as well as I thought you did.”

She doesn’t respond, and for a handful of seconds, I fall quiet too.

“I was livid when you ran away without a second glance on Friday night,” I eventually explain. Her breath catches, but she doesn’t say anything.

“I thought…” I shake my head. “I stupidly thought for a moment there that you were with me.

“I spent all week in England trying to figure my shit out, and just when I thought everything had fallen right into place, you pulled the rug right out from underneath me again.No one has ever had the power to affect me like that before, Lorelei. Never.

“But you…” I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding as relief floods through my veins.