The corner of my mouth twitches with the beginning of a smirk.
She’s seen it, and she’s jealous.
Holy shit.
“A few years ago, I knew her well. But we’ve barely spoken since she moved to Hollywood,” I explain, aware that it isn’t what she really wants to hear.
“You must have had a lot to catch each other up on, then.”
With her eyes focused on her coffee, I’m able to take a few seconds to really study her.
She didn’t have time to put much makeup on this morning—not that she needs it. Nor did she have a chance to do anything with her hair. Her curls look beautiful hanging around her shoulders, and the freckles across her nose and cheeks are endearing as hell.
Her shoulders are pulled tight with tension, and she’s picking at her nail anxiously.
It’s not a look I’m used to seeing on her, and I can’t say I like it all that much. I prefer strong and sassy Lorelei.
“Not really. Our lives have moved in different directions. I’m pleased for her, but there isn’t anything between us anymore.”
Her eyes jump to mine.
“But you canceled on me for her.”
Unable to stop it, a laugh tumbles free.
“Is that really what you think?” I ask calmly.
“It’s what I know.”
I raise my brows and sit back in my chair, crossing my arms over my chest.
“You really shouldn’t believe everything you see online, Lorelei.”
She glares at me. She wants to believe me, but then I guess when you’ve been let down by men all your life, expecting the worst begins to come naturally.
“Okay. So why did you cancel Saturday night after making such a song and dance about getting me out on a date in the first place?”
“I had a family emergency.”
“Bit convenient. Tate didn’t say anything about an emergency.”
I’m hardly surprised. King probably doesn’t even know that Kenzie had surgery on her ankle.
“Well, maybe Tate doesn’t know everything.”
Lorelei glares daggers at me as a staff member clears our empty plates.
“So…” she starts the second we’re alone again.
“One of my little sisters broke her ankle cheerleading. My stepdad was out of town on a golf trip, so my mom called me to sit with my other sister while she was looked at. Turned out that she needed surgery.”
The more I talk, the more blood drains from Lorelei’s face.
“Shit. Is she okay?”
Pulling my cell from my pocket, I open my camera roll and find a selfie she forced me to take in the track car last night.
Spinning it around, I let Lorelei see Kenzie’s wild eyes and excited smile.