“You’ll bring me back, though, right?”
“Assuming Mom doesn’t kill me in the meantime.”
“She’ll be fine,” Kenzie assures me. I’m not sure I agree.
She’s always refused to allow me to bring her here, and that was without a broken ankle.
“You hungry?” I ask, not ready to end my evening and head home alone quite yet.
Kenzie laughs. “Obviously. Burgers?”
“You read my mind.”
Once we’re back in my own car, we head across town at less hair-raising speeds to our favorite burger place.
“Tilly is gonna be pissed.”
“Ken,” I warn.
“Dude, I’m fifteen. I can say pissed.”
I raise a brow.
“Jeez, you’re as bad as Dad. I bet you were saying and doing much worse when you were my age.”
“Definitely not. I was an angel.”
“Bullshit,” she coughs, earning herself a hard glare. “Sorry. Sorry. I know I shouldn’t listen to Kieran’s stories.”
“They’re all lies,” I state firmly.
“So, how’s school?” I ask, attempting to change the subject.
“Dull as ever. I’m ready for college.”
“You’ve got a while yet. And anyway, you might not get in.”
She throws a fry at me. “I’m going to Harvard, and you know it.”
“Tills will. You…I’m not so sure.”
“Evil, Bro. Freaking evil.”
I’m still buzzing from the drive around the track when I let myself into my apartment later that evening.
Mom wasn’t home when I dropped Kenzie off, so I managed to avoid the ass-ripping that I’m sure is to come when she discovers where I took her baby tonight.
After replying to a handful of urgent emails that landed while I was hanging out with my sister, I head for my bathroom, stripping out of my clothes as I go.
The moment I step into my walk-in shower, everything I’ve forced myself not to think about today comes rushing back full force.
“Fuck,” I groan, my cock hardening and the desire she sparked in me last night surging through me with the force of a tsunami.
Reaching out, I wrap my hand around my aching length.
I jerked off twice to her photo, and then again this morning, but it’s barely taken the edge off.