Lori: Hey, hunk. How’s it hanging?
Ryde my dick: Little to the left, more than a little hard.
Ryde my dick: How about you? Any details from your wild weekend that you need to share with me?
Lori: Nothing wild happening here.
Ryde my dick: Damn, you really do need me, huh?
Lori: I guess that depends on what you have to offer…
The photo that follows only goes to prove that he is more than a little hard and more than a little ready to play.
It’s the prefect distraction from real life and the fact that Monday morning is going to roll around all too soon.
Istand in front of the elevator in the Callahan Enterprises building with butterflies erupting in my stomach.
I don’t want to get inside there. But also, I don’t want to climb the stairs to the top of this high-rise building. To be honest, I don’t want to be here at all, let alone in the management offices where a certain CFO resides.
But as much as I want to turn around and run as fast as I can, I can’t.
I would be stupid to do something to ruin this opportunity. The paycheck is enough to change not only my life, but also my brothers’. And they’re more important to me than anything else in the world. Being able to help them live out their dreams will mean everything to me.
Sucking in a deep breath, I watch the small screen as the floors count down to ground level.
You can do this, Lorelei.
It’s just an elevator.
You’re safe here. Even if the worst happens, no one will hurt you.
The elevator dings a beat before the doors slide open.
Two people I don’t recognize spill out—neither of them pays me any mind, their attention focused on leaving the building. Seems a bit premature, seeing as the day has barely started, but whatever.
I take a hesitant step forward, still trying to convince myself that everything is going to be okay, when suddenly, a large, warm hand presses against the small of my back, guiding me forward.
I want to snap at him, to tell him to get off me, but as I step into the enclosed space, all the words dry up as the doors close us in.
Kian’s hand never leaves my back, nor does his overpowering presence behind me.
His breath tickles over my ear and down my neck.
I fight like hell to stop my body from reacting, but it’s pointless. All I can think about is him pressing me up against the bar and kissing me senseless on Saturday.
Closing my eyes, I focus on my breathing. But I quickly realize my mistake when I discover each breath is laced with his scent.
“Breathe, Lorelei,” he rasps behind me. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Tipping my head to the ceiling, I begin counting seconds. I’ve no idea if it’s to make the time in this enclosed space feel like it goes faster, or my time around him. Honestly, it could be either.
He ditched you for a model-worthy actress on Saturday night.
He isn’t worthy of your time or your thoughts.
He never replied to my email either, and I find it really hard to believe that it’s because he hasn’t read it.
My heart continues to pound as we climb higher and higher.