“Message me when you’re safe in your apartment,” I instruct.
“I’m taking the stairs. You don’t need to worry.”
“I still will. Message me, yeah?”
“Fine. See you later.”
She pushes the door open and climbs out before disappearing into her building without looking back—just like she did last night.
Only now, I don’t follow. Instead, I sit there and wait for my cell to buzz.
I know she’ll follow orders. She won’t risk me coming up.
She’s too scared.
Scared what letting me in will mean.
Unfortunately for her, I have every intention of worming my way in as deep as possible so we can find out.
Boss: I’m going to have to cancel tonight. Raincheck?
My heart thumps against my ribs as I stare down at his message.
I shouldn’t be disappointed. I should be relieved to get out of a date that I shouldn’t want.
But fuck…I am.
Without bothering to reply, I throw my cell onto the couch and stomp toward the kitchen.
Grabbing myself a glass, I yank the fridge door open and pull out a bottle of wine.
I treated myself to my favorite when I started at Callahan Enterprises, but I haven’t had a chance to celebrate with it yet.
“Pah, what a joke,” I mutter as I pour myself a generous measure before taking a sip. “Mmm.”
As I put the bottle back, I study the contents of the fridge. If I really wanted to, I could pull something together for dinner. It wouldn’t be very exciting, though.
I can’t help but wonder where Kian would have taken me tonight. One thing is clear—the food would have been outstanding.
My stomach growls unhappily as I walk back toward the couch with my wine.
Picking up my cell, I close down my messages and open my takeout app. I mindlessly scroll through every offering. Every type of cuisine and fast food passes before me, but despite being hungry, none of it steals my interest.
Damn it, I wanted to be waited on tonight and treated like a princess. It’s not very often it happens. But it’s been too long since someone even tried.
All our dates were like a dream.
He was a dream…until he turned into a nightmare.
There are more unread messages sitting in my inbox from him, and my stomach knots. How long is he going to be satisfied by sending messages that go unanswered? At some point, he’s going to up the ante again. Maybe once his black eye has faded.