“Fuck’s sake,” she mutters when her chin meets the bar.
We hold it for a count of three before lowering down.
“See? Wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“With you doing all the work? No, it was pretty easy,” she confesses as I unwrap my legs and drop to the floor again.
She follows suit, and the second her feet touch down, I spin her around and back her up against the post.
“Kian,” she breathes as I pin her against the cool metal with the length of my body.
Lowering my head, I rest my brow against hers.
“I can’t stop thinking about it,” I confess.
My eyes stay locked on hers as my chest heaves. My heart thunders, and my breathing is erratic.
She sucks in a sharp breath, letting me know that it’s not far from her mind either.
“Well…” She swallows. “You need to.”
Her eyes bounce between mine as we remain frozen in this position, each of us waiting for the other to react.
“I’m your assistant, Kian. Y-your…your fake girlfriend.”
My lips twitch.
“You’re agreeing?”
She lets out a long breath, letting it rush over my face and down my chest. Just that is enough to ensure my cock is hard as steel against her stomach. There’s about as much chance of her not feeling it as her missing my morning wood when I stood from her couch earlier this morning.
She shrugs one shoulder. “Your reasons were very convincing. But?—”
I cut her words off with my lips.
But this time, I don’t hesitate or give her a chance to back away this time.
The second her lips move against mine, my tongue joins, and only a heartbeat later, so does hers.
It’s what should have happened last night, only, we were interrupted.
But that’s unlikely to happen here. We’re alone.
All alone with an entire gym to make the most of…
I lose myself in her kiss. My hands roam over her body, or at least the parts I can reach.
But all too soon, she presses against my chest.
“Kian,” she says into our kiss.
Unable to deny her wishes, I pull back.
“I agreed to the fake relationship. Not to this.”
Taking a large step back, I comb my fingers through my sweat-damp hair, dragging it back until it hurts, my eyes tracing the lines of Lorelei’s body.
When I get back up to her face, I find that she’s just as mesmerized by my body as I am hers. Although, her attention is focused on just one part of me. The part that’s tenting my sweats.