“Let’s go and see if we have a winner, shall we?” she asks excitedly as she leads me to the dressing room.
I lost Kian’s attention a while ago. I felt it the moment he looked down. A weird coolness washed over my body, a coolness I’ve tried really hard not to think about too much. But as I move toward the dressing room at the back of the store, I can’t help but look over my shoulder.
The second I do, my eyes collide with his and a shot of adrenaline shoots through my veins.
I might not have any interest in being his date to anything, but he knew exactly what he was doing with this: taking me to a charity event that supports underprivileged young footballers. This is my kryptonite.
I may not be able to put much money into the pot, but I will support this cause in every way I can. Even if it’s only with my presence and sharing it on my pitiful social media platform.
I can’t say no. And that means I have to stand beside the mighty Kian Callahan and look the part.
Something flutters down low…he’s going to wear a tux.
Oh, help me, God.
“Nope. Nope. Nope,” Magda says when I pull back the curtain on the black dress she selected. “It's beautiful, but no. Get back in there.”
She pulls the curtain closed with a flourish, leaving me once again standing in the middle of the biggest dressing room I’ve ever seen.
My own reflection stares back at me from all three walls, and I hesitantly look at myself.
She’s right, the dress is beautiful, but it’s not the one. I don’t expect to feel comfortable in any item of clothing from a shop as exclusive as this one. I feel like I’m wearing a costume, not a luxury dress that costs more than a car, I’m sure.
Obviously, there are no price tags on anything. I don’t want to imagine how many figures would be staring back at me if there were tags.
My stomach lurches at the thought of how much money Kian might be throwing away just to have me attend this event with him.
He certainly wouldn’t have to if he invited Sasha or any of the numerous wealthy socialites he usually spends time with.
Blowing out a long, slow breath, I will myself to put them out of my mind.
You are worthy of this, Lorelei.
You are as worthy as all those other women.
Turning to the final option, I let my eyes roam down the stunning royal blue dress before reaching for it.
Here goes nothing.
The gown's weight shocks me when I remove it from the hanger, but it feels like silk as I step into it and pull it up my body.
My skin erupts with goosebumps as I adjust the single strap over my shoulder and reach for the side zipper.
I haven’t looked up, but I don’t need to. I already know this is the one.
Was this how Tate felt when she tried her wedding dress on?
Shaking that thought from my head, I finally look up.
“Oh my god.”
My stomach knots so tightly, it hurts as my heart begins to race.
This dress…it…
Was it made for me?