Her brows are pinched together, leaving a deep crease between them that I desperately want to reach out and smooth away. Her lips are thin, and I can’t help but wonder if she’s biting down on them to stop herself from saying anything.
“What did he want?” I ask after long, agonizing minutes.
It takes her a moment to register that I’ve said anything, but I know the second she does because her expression hardens even more.
“That is none of your business. What were you even thinking?” she demands without bothering to turn to look at me.
“He was touching you,” I seethe quietly, my fists tightening on my lap, sending a shooting pain up my right arm.
It might hurt now, but fuck did it feel good.
I can’t remember the last time I hit someone that wasn’t one of my brothers. That fucker deserved it, though.
She shakes her head, unable to accept my words.
“I’m your assistant, Kian. Not your problem.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it,” I snap. “It doesn’t matter if you’re my assistant or the part-time cleaner, I will not have any of my staff treated like that.”
A humorless laugh falls from her lips.
“What?” I ask, confused.
“Nothing. It’s nothing. I’m…”
“You’re what?” I ask when she trails off.
“Nothing. Literally nothing.”
My brows pinch.
A heavy sigh passes her lips and her shoulders lower as if she’s got the weight of the world on them.
Before I manage to find a response, she finally turns to look at me.
The sight of tears glistening in her eyes ensures that any words I might have had shrivel up and die.
I hate it. I hate that someone like him has the power to do this to her.
Asshole deserves so much more for the pain he’s caused her.
“Just…” The car stops and my heart lurches, knowing without looking that Jamie has just pulled to a stop outside her building. She’s going to get out and walk away, and there is fuck all I can do about it. “Just forget it. He’s not worth risking an assault charge.”
“He’s not, no, but—” Before I get a chance to say any more, Jamie has opened her door and she’s climbing out.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Kian. Have a good night,” she shoots over her shoulder.
I’m out before Jamie has a chance to close the door, chasing her toward her building.
“Lorelei, wait.”
She spins around on her heels and glares at me with a look that would make a lesser man’s balls shrivel up into their body.
“No. You do not get to pretend to be the better man here. Not when you have spent all afternoon with Model Barbie bent over your desk instead of doing any work.”
Model Barbie?
Shock renders me useless long enough for her to flee inside.