Page 102 of By His Rule


“Nope. Sir, boss, or daddy, remember?”

Deciding that I’m better off battling with the rain than him, I push the door open.

“Thank you for today—it was tolerable. See you in the morning.”

I swing the door closed before he has a chance to respond and then sprint toward my building.

The main doors are locked, and it takes me longer than it ever has before to locate my keys at the bottom of my purse.

In seconds, I’m soaked through, my jersey sticking to my body as the chill of the rainwater makes me shiver.

“At last,” I cry as I pull them free and let myself in.

Shivering, I race toward the elevator for once, not second-guessing my actions and more than ready to peel my wet clothes from my body.

The doors close and I reach for the back pocket of my jeans for my cell but…

“Fuuuck,” I groan.

That asshole didn’t give it back.

I’m too busy debating whether to march back out there and have it out with him or say fuck it and just wait until tomorrow morning.

Thoughts of missing messages from Wilder or Hendrix finally force me into action, and I hit the button to open the doors.

Praying that he’s still going to be there, I race out of the small space but come to a very abrupt stop when I crash into a hard body blocking my exit.

“What the—” A sharp gasp cuts off my question. “Kian?”

His hands wrap around my upper arms and I’m forced into the elevator until my back presses against the wall.

I’m so shocked, I don’t realize that he’s hit the button to my floor until we begin moving.

My heart races and my chest heaves as I stare up into his dark green eyes.

He continues to hold me with one hand on my arm. It’s innocent, but my entire arm burns red hot.

“What are you doing?” My voice barely comes out as a whisper, and I mentally kick myself for letting him get to me.

His eyes bounce between mine before dropping to my lips.

Everything beneath my waist clenches, my stomach somersaulting.

He swallows, his Adam’s apple bobbing before his full lips part.

“You forgot your cell,” he explains roughly.

“A-and you couldn’t have just given it back?”

The elevator dings, announcing our arrival, before the doors open.

Cool, fresh air rushes in, and I suck in a deep breath before Kian finally releases me, allowing me to duck around him and step into the hallway.

I don’t stop until I’m at my door, my key in the lock, ready to escape inside.

“Can I have my cell, please?” I ask, holding my hand out for it.