“Been that good, huh? King said you looked a little stressed.”
“It’s been fine.” It’s not really a lie. As far as jobs go, it’s probably been up there with some of my best. It’s a hell of a lot better than my last place, that’s for sure. And yes, Kian has had his moments, but so far, he’s got nothing on the one who came before him.
I shudder. If I never have to see that asshole again, it’ll be too soon.
When Tate frowns, not believing a word I’ve said, I follow up with, “Just a lot to learn in a few hours.”
“Nothing like easing you in gently, then?”
“I don’t think Kian knows the meaning of the word gentle. He did buy me lunch, though.”
A wide smile lights up Tate’s face. “See, he likes you.”
I briefly think back to our interactions over that sandwich. “Oh yeah, we’re like that, me and the boss,” I say, holding my crossed fingers between us.
“Give him time. He takes a while to warm up.”
“That’s bullshit, and we both know it.” Kingston is the one who takes a while to get used to. Kian is everyone’s friend. Mainly because he’s so fucking big headed he thinks everyone wants to be.
“Whatever. Grab your stuff. We’re going out for dinner and drinks.”
I wince. “I can’t, T. I’ve got?—”
“To celebrate your epic new job with your best friends.” Her final word makes me look up. “Cory is downstairs, chatting up the doormen.”
“He is not,” I gasp.
“He’s trying. But they’re as straight as they come—just ask their wives.”
I laugh, picturing him down there pulling out his best moves.
“We should probably go and rescue them.”
After saying goodbye to Melissa, who’s also finishing up for the day, we step into the lift and hit the button for the ground floor.
The second the doors close, Tatum squeals, “I can’t believe you’re up here. It’s so freaking cool.”
“Tate,” I warn.
“What? You can’t still think this is a bad idea.”
“Bit late, even if I do still think that.”
“First days are always hard. But give it a few weeks and you’ll figure out that I was right.”
“You’re insufferable.”
“And you deserve this. You worked your ass off for nothing in that last place. Here, you’ll get paid what you deserve, along with a whole host of benefits along the way.”
“Benefits,” I balk.
“Yeah,” she says with a calculated smirk. “Someone told you that you have free access to the gym on level two, right?”
“The gym. Oh yeah. That’s a massive benefit right there.”
“You should use it. Rumor has it that Kian does a couple of times a week.”
“Why would I?—”