Only a few minutes later, they disappear into the elevator, heading for Rebecca’s office to complete the outstanding paperwork.
I beat them there, already staring at her empty office when they walk in laughing.
My stomach does some weird tightening thing as I take in Lorelei’s smile.
Fucking hell, I’m one stupid son of a bitch for this.
But when I want something…
I watch as Rebecca goes through everything before they walk off again, but I follow closely behind.
The team in the security room is ready, and as they hand over her ID card and security pass it’s impossible to miss the way her brows pull together in confusion.
I know exactly what our head of security just explained, and I can’t help but feel like I just won this round despite her still being unaware of what’s about to happen.
My heart kicks up its pace as they turn to leave.
I know their next destination, and I can’t fucking wait.
Clenching and unclenching my fists, I watch their journey back down the hallway and then into the elevator.
Switching to a camera a little closer, I stare at the closed elevator doors, watching the number on the small LED screen climbing through the building until it hits the top floor.
My floor.
I can’t stop my smile from spreading when she steps out of the car with a confused expression on her face.
Her eyes dart everywhere as she takes it all in. The rest of the building is nice, but the décor up here is on another level.
The floor is covered in white marble tiles, the furniture is dark, rich walnut, and all the accents are gold.
To us, it’s normal, but I’ve seen more than a few visitors taken aback by it all, and it seems that Lorelei is one of them.
She’s still looking around ominously as they approach Melissa’s desk. The other two up here are empty. Dad’s assistant seems to be here even less than he is these days. I’ve no idea if they’re together wherever they are, and to be honest, I’d rather not know.
What our father does is his business. He may not have officially handed everything over, but we’re as good as in charge around here now.
If we need him, he’s always at the other end of the phone, but that has been happening less and less recently.
As far as King and I are concerned, Callahan Enterprises is ours now.
Ours to run as we see fit. And fuck, we’re doing a damn good job, if I do say so myself.
Profits are higher right now than they’ve ever been. Our staff turnover is almost non-existent. People love being here and working for us. The results of that speak for themselves.
Lorelei stands with her fingers twisting nervously behind her, a habit I would guess she’s not aware of, considering she’s standing as tall and as confidently as possible.
I give her another five seconds to settle in on the top floor before I push my chair out behind me, smooth down my tie, and straighten my jacket.
Excitement bubbles in my stomach as I pull my door open and march out to reception.
My shoes tap against the expensive floor, but if Lorelei hears or suspects my approach, then she doesn’t turn around.
When the hallway opens up into the huge reception area, I slow my pace.
“Good morning, Lorelei,” I state confidently, letting my voice fill the space around me.
Her entire body flinches as if I physically struck her.