“Wait,” Tatum cries before I get a chance to hang up. “Is she okay?”
“Of course. She’s with me,” I say smugly.
“That’s why I’m concerned.”
“I won’t let anything happen to her, and I’ll take care of her.”
She falls silent for a moment. I should hang up. But I don’t. And I regret it the second the next words slip from her lips. “There’s nothing fake about this, is there?”
“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about. Enjoy your takeout.”
I cut the call before she has a chance to give me any more shit over this whole situation.
Is there anything fake about it?
No, there fucking well isn’t, but I’m not about to confess that to Tate, or even Lorelei right now. I can barely admit it to myself, if I’m being honest.
Finally, I pour myself a glass of scotch and throw it back.
“Fuck,” I breathe as I slam the glass back down on the counter. Closing my eyes, I find the image of Lorelei’s trashed bedroom burned into my eyelids.
What would she have done if I didn’t go back up?
I nearly didn’t. I almost took her lack of message as her usual brand of defiance.
It was on the tip of my tongue to tell Jamie to just leave. Thank fuck I didn’t.
She wouldn’t have called me for help. Hell, I doubt that she’d have even called Tate. I might still have a lot to learn about my assistant, but one thing I know for sure is that she’s independent to a fault. She’d have probably spent the rest of the night scrubbing that spray paint from her wall so she could brush the whole thing under the carpet in the hope it’s a one-off.
It may well be. It could have been a chancer. But…I’m finding it hard to believe.
No random robber would have broken in just to trash Lorelei’s bed and bathroom. That was a targeted attack.
If I didn’t know it the second I saw that word graffitied on her wall, then I did the moment I witnessed her reaction to her treasured haircare products.
Time passes slowly as I wait for her to emerge from my bedroom.
I could have taken her to one of the guest rooms instead, but even considering it felt wrong.
We might have agreed that everything would go back to how it was before once we touched down on home soil, but it was the last thing I wanted.
The past two days have been incredible. Why the hell would I want something that good to end?
She’s scared. I get it.
Hell, I am as well. I’ve never had a connection with a woman like I’ve experienced with Lorelei the last two days. I’m not going to let that go easily.
I just need to figure out a way to prove to her that it’s worth the risk. That I’m worth the risk.
The problem is, I’ve no idea how to make that happen. And I fucking hate that I don’t have the answer.
It’s why I like numbers. It might take a while, but there is always an answer.
People and relationships are a very different beast.
When almost thirty minutes have passed, I give up waiting and go in search of her.
“Lorelei,” I call after knocking on my own bedroom door. It feels bizarre, but I don’t want to make today any worse for her.