“Thank you.”
“I’m going to finish up a few other things, then I’ll be heading home,” she informs me.
“I trust that you’re going to have a more sensible night,” I muse.
“Not that it’s any of your business, but yes.”
She backs away from my desk in favor of the door.
“Good. I need you ready tomorrow.”
“Have a good evening, sir.”
“Don’t worry, I intend to.”
She looks over her shoulder just in time to see the smirk that pulls at my lips. She frowns but doesn’t respond and a second later she’s gone.
I expected her to say something this morning.
To apologize, maybe. To at least ask me to forget I’d ever seen anything.
What I wasn’t expecting was for her to say nothing.
My office door closes behind her, leaving the room feeling cold and lonely.
I stare at it, battling with myself about whether I should go after her or not.
I asked Melissa to check on her after she returned from her lunch, and she assured me that Lorelei was fine.
Dragging my attention back to my monitor, I continue with what I was doing, but just like before, my focus is elsewhere.
The buzz of my cell is a welcome distraction; so is the person I find in my messages.
Makenzie: I’m bored
Kian: Do some homework. It’s never too late to learn something.
I smirk. Teasing them will never get old.
Makenzie: I’m already smarter than you, old man. What are you doing?
Kian: Trying to work.
Makenzie: Boooooring.
Makenzie: You should do something fun.
Kian: I am. You should see this spreadsheet I’m working on.
Makenzie: Yawn.
Makenzie: Ditch work and come get me? I’m going crazy stuck at home.
Kian: It’s been three days.
Makenzie: Three looooooong days. Don’t tell her, but I even miss Tilly.
Kian: I’m so telling her.