“Just think about the benefits.”
“Not interested in the benefits, Kian. I thought I’d made that clear.”
“I’m not talking about sex, Temptress.”
“Then what can you possibly offer me?”
“You said you wanted to go to Paris or Rome this weekend. Which would you prefer? I’ll book the company jet.”
“You’re an idiot.”
“Maybe so. But I can be your idiot.”
As I say those final few words, Jamie rushes into the hallway.
He briefly looks at me questioningly before turning his attention to the elevator.
“Oh shit,” I gasp when I find a crowbar in his hands. “Why are you driving around with that?”
“You never know when it might be useful,” he mutters before jamming it between the elevator doors and attempting to wrench them open.
“Is that really going to work?” I ask skeptically.
“Do you have any other suggestion?” he snarks, sounding very un-Jamie-like.
“Uh…” I guess not.
“Then, do you want to help?”
Jeez, who knew my driver was so snappy in a crisis?
“Shit,” he barks when we finally manage to get the doors to part enough to see that the car isn’t fully on the fifth floor.
“Lorelei,” I breathe, peeking through the gap to see her darkened form huddled into the back corner. “We’re right here.”
“I-I’m—I’m a little claustrophobic.”
“We’ll have you out in a few minutes.”
Her quiet sobs fill the air. I hate it.
“I can’t climb up there,” she says, staring up at me with wide, terrified eyes.
“Trust us, yeah?” I urge, although honestly, I’ve no idea how we will make it happen.
Jamie continues to do whatever he’s doing that involves a lot of grunting and groaning, and only a few minutes later, the crippled doors finally give.
Dropping to my knees, I reach down into the car for her.
“I’ll pull you out,” I say, trying to reach her.
“Y-you can’t.”
“I can, Lorelei. You just have to trust me. Come on,” I say encouragingly.
Slowly, she pushes from the back corner and moves closer.
A second later, she lifts her arms for help.