Page 5 of Love, Utley

He holds his arm out, gesturing for me to go ahead and board, but I hesitate.

I look left, then right, hoping for the hulking form of a dark-haired man jogging toward me, waving his arms.

But Maddox isn’t here.

He didn’t magically find my letter and sprint across campus to meet me at the bus pickup area.

Each trip I took, walking the boxes, then my suitcases over from my dorm room, I’d look around, checking for any signs of him.

And I felt like a fool every time.

Just like now.

Shaking my head, I square my shoulders and hook my thumbs through the straps of my backpack.

“Thanks, I’m ready.” I smile at the bus driver as I move past him and onto the bus.

The lie rolls off my tongue.

I’m not ready.

Not ready to leave HOP University.

Not ready to see my mom connected to IVs and machines and whatever else.

Shuffling down the aisle, I choose an empty row near the front.

The container of orange Tic Tacs rattles inside my backpack as I drop the bag onto the aisle seat, then I scoot in until I’m seated next to the window.

Staring forward, I admit that, most of all, I’m not ready to give up on Maddox Lovelace.

Just because he’s not here right now to see me off doesn’t mean it’s over between us. He’ll see the letter tonight, maybe tomorrow, possibly the next day. And then he’ll call.

I drag my backpack onto my lap and pull the zipper open.

When I reach in, I pause when my fingers connect with the corner of a book.

My breath hitches, and I pull it out of the bag.

It’s Maddox’s book. The one we read together last night.

I didn’t mean to take it. I’d forgotten I’d even stuck it in my bag.

The spine creaks as I open it to the place we left off.

It’s a long ride home, so I might as well keep reading.

It can be practice for when Maddox calls me. Maybe we can make that a weekly thing: him sitting on the phone while I read to him.

He’d buy a second copy and let me keep this one but follow along in his own. Maybe even take a turn reading to me.

I blow out a breath and move my eyes to the page.

If I focus on this, fall into this story, then I won’t have to think about the letter I left for Maddox. And I won’t have to worry about all the unknowns that lay before me.


Dear Maddox,