Page 166 of Love, Utley

He swings at me.

It’s clumsy and slow and exactly the type of punch I’d expect from a man like Brandon.

Still quicker than the average man, I jerk my arm up and deflect his fist inward, causing him to hit himself in the face.

There’s a crunch. And blood gushes from his nose. As his expression changes, I shift my weight to one foot and kick the other out and across, sweeping his feet out from underneath him.

Brandon slams to the ground.

He clutches at his nose with one hand, clawing at the industrial carpet beneath him with the other as he tries to scramble away from me.

“Brandon, I need you to pay attention.”

He scoots back another few inches.

“You’re fired.” I step forward so I’m standing over him. “And I’ll consult with my lawyers about pressing assault charges.”

He shakes his head, blood dripping down his chin. “N-no.”

I nod. “Yes. In fact, I have some buddies in the media who I’m sure would love to do a story on the guy who took a swing at Mad Dog Maddox.” I use the famous version of my name. “And when they find out that the guy who tried to hit me was also stalking my girlfriend…”

“I wasn’t stalking!” Brandon’s head bumps into the bathroom door, and he shuffles into a sitting position.

I sigh. “That’s not what the headlines will say. Especially when they find out about the restraining order Hannah is going to take out against you.”

“What?” His eyes widen.

I nod slowly. “You’re gonna have a hell of a time getting hired anywhere after that.”

“You can’t do that!” he screeches.

I think about all the times Hannah looked uncomfortable around him.

I think about all the years she put up with him because no one helped her.

I think of the woman whose cubicle he was just in.

I bend down, making sure he can hear me. “I can. And I will. And you’re lucky I’m stopping there. Now get the fuck out of my building.”

Brandon scrambles to his feet, rage and fear coating his features.

When he opens his mouth to speak, I take another step toward him. And he runs.

I catch the gaze of Donut Guy from across the way. He’s watching me with a grin on his face.

I lift my chin toward Brandon as he disappears around the corner toward the elevator.

Donut Guy taps two fingers to his forehead, then follows to make sure Brandon leaves like he’s supposed to.

There’s one clap.

Then another.

And a second later, the office bursts into a round of applause, everyone standing in their cubicles or leaning out of offices, having watched the spectacle unfold.

I shake my head as I turn around, finding Dana behind me like I expected.

She’s trying not to smile. “Well, that was… dramatic.”