Bunny: I’m glad to hear it.
Me: How’s your day going? What did you get for lunch?
Bunny: I’m about to eat a burrito, meaning my day is about to get better.
Me: Sounds delicious. But not as delicious as you.
I set my phone down on the passenger seat of my car and pull out of the company parking lot.
I’m not happy about getting fired. But I don’t regret anything. Having Maddox Lovelace back in my life is exactly what I didn’t know I needed. And I wouldn’t give him up for anything.
I do need a job though.
As I come to a red light, a thought strikes me.
“Mr. Waller?” the summer intern sticks his head into my office.
“Yeah?” I manage not to sigh. Clearly this kid is never gonna just call me Waller.
“There’s someone on the phone for you. Her name is, uh”— he looks at the note in his hand— “Hannah Utley.”
I lean forward in my chair. “Put her through.”
The second my phone rings, I answer it. “Hannah?”
“Hi, um, Waller?”
“It’s me. Is something wrong?” I can’t keep the edge of panic out of my voice. Maddox is my best friend, and if something happened to him…
“No. No, I promise, Maddox is fine.” She reads my mind.
I heave out a breath and sink back into my chair. “Fuck. I’m too young for a heart attack.”
Her laughter sounds as stressed as I feel. “Sorry, I wasn’t thinking. Should’ve opened with Maddox is alive and well.”
“No, no, you’re good.” I wave her off even though she can’t see me. “That blockhead will outlive us all. So, if it’s not Maddox, what’s up?”
We only met the one time, over dinner this week, but by the time we parted ways, I knew I liked her. And I knew Maddox would marry her.
“Well, I don’t really know how to ask this…” She still sounds stressed.
I’m back to sitting upright. “For the sake of my cardiac health, please just ask it.”
“Okay.” Her exhale scratches across the phone. “Do you still have that position open?”
My brain mentally blinks at her question. Position?
“The job? Here?” I ask, finally remembering her résumé that’s still in my desk somewhere.
“If not, that’s totally okay. I just thought I’d ask,” she rushes out.