“Sorry, Smidge. I don’t make the rules.” I straighten the bill, then put my hand back on Hannah’s neck.
“You literally just made up that rule,” Chelsea argues. And she’s not wrong.
A beat later, she leans around Hannah again. “What did you call me?”
“Smidge. Like a smidgen.” Using my free hand, I hold my thumb and pointer finger about an inch apart. “Because you’re such a little human.”
Her mouth drops open, and even though she’s not Hannah’s biological offspring, the mannerisms are spot on.
I grin at her.
“I’ll have you know, I’m tall for my age,” the child argues.
“Uh-huh, sure.” I lean forward so she can see me when I hold my fingers up again.
“You know what?” The girl doesn’t miss a beat. “Aunt Hannah was right, you should just drop us off.”
My bark of laughter surprises the guy next to me so much that he trips.
“Sorry,” I mumble to the man.
Chelsea slaps a hand over her mouth, and Hannah just shakes her head.
I’m still nervous, but Maddox was right. There are so many people here I could have a missing twin standing ten feet away and still not see them.
It’s not that I don’t want anyone to know about me and Maddox. I just don’t want anyone to know until I have another job lined up. And I can’t really say that to Maddox either. Because I know what he’ll do. He’ll insist it’s okay. He’ll make HR change the no-fraternization policy. And then I’ll be stuck working at a place where everyone talks behind my back because I’m the girl sleeping with the owner.
And it wouldn’t matter how discreet we were. If Maddox made a change to that specific policy, word would get out, and everyone would speculate until they figured it out.
Or worse, Brandon would only hear about the policy change and then take the opportunity to ask me out directly.
“This way.” Maddox directs us after we get through security.
It seems like the crowd parts for Maddox, and I don’t know if it’s because people recognize him or because no one wants to be stepped on by him.
“Smidge, come up here.” With the hand not holding mine, Maddox gestures for Chelsea to go ahead of him.
“Um…” Even as his nickname for Chelsea melts my heart, I want to object, because now we’re moving single file, and I can’t see her.
He flexes his fingers around mine, proving he heard me and silently telling me to trust him.
Searching for my inner calm, I follow as we make our way through the crowded walkways.
The crowd finally starts to thin, and I peer around Maddox to look for Chelsea.
I find her directly in front of Maddox, with his big hand on top of her head.
“This is us.” He uses his hold to turn Chelsea’s head, and she laughs as she turns the rest of her body to go where he says.
Together, we cut across the walkway and stop at the top of a flight of stairs that I assume will take us to our seats.
Maddox drops his hand from her head. “See? So tiny you fit in my hand.”