Page 116 of Love, Utley

I smile at her romantic little heart. “It did.”

“And… that’s why it’s complicated?”

I tip my head back and forth. “I think we’ve worked through all the old hurt feelings. But he’s the owner of the company that I work for now, so he’s basically my boss. And dating him would be against the rules.”

“Ooh, so it’s like a secret relationship.” Chelsea sounds way too excited. “Like one of those Hallmark movies Grandma watches.”

Images of Maddox bending me over the desk flash into my mind.

I clear my throat. “Kinda.”

“If it’s a secret, won’t everyone see him at the game?”

She has a point. And I suddenly feel a bit like crying.

Spotting an open parking spot, I pull into it. “Maybe it’s a bad idea.”

“Fuck it.”

I jerk my head over. “Chelsea!”

“What?” She lifts her hands. “Look, Aunt Hannah, I don’t want you staying single forever because of me. And don’t pretend I’m not the reason you don’t date.”

“That’s not —”

She points a finger at me, and I stop talking.

“I’ve looked him up.” My eyes widen. “Mad Dog Maddox.” She rolls her eyes while she says his famous nickname. “He’s basically a beast. Super strong. Big guy. Right?”

I nod. “Right.”

“Seems kinda indestructible.” She undoes her seat belt. “So, if anyone can break the curse, it’s gotta be him.”

Chelsea opens the car door and slides out, like she didn’t just shift my entire world.

It’s gotta be him.



“Are you sure?” Hannah asks again.

“Yes,” Chelsea and I answer at the same time.

Hannah tosses up her hands. “I’m just asking.”

“For like the hundredth time,” Chelsea huffs.

She’s hardly even exaggerating.

Hannah called me last night, worried that going out in public was a bad idea.

I assured her it was fine.

She called me this morning, saying maybe I shouldn’t come.

I told her I would be there at noon.