Page 58 of Love, Utley

I press the towel over my closed eyes.

I’m missing something. I have to be.

The music cuts off as my phone starts to ring.

I snatch it off the shelf and look at the ID.

I almost don’t answer it, not in the mood to shoot the shit. But then I remember the favor I asked for.

“Waller,” I say as soon as the line connects. “You finally pull that background on Petals?”

He lets out an awkward chuckle that has my senses tingling.


“Well.” He chuckles again. “It’s one of those isn’t it funny sorta things.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” I’m being a dick, but I’m starting to get a bad feeling about whatever he’s called to tell me.

“Well, I got a little sidetracked with some other stuff this week and forgot all about that flower shop you wanted me to look into. But then I happened across the name today, Petals, and it reminded me.”

“And how did you come across the name?”

He pauses a beat. “On an application.”

My spine stiffens. “What sort of application?”

“And it’s funny”— he ignores my question— “because I’d been looking at the name on the résumé, thinking to myself, Why does she sound familiar?” That bad feeling solidifies. “And then I read through her work history, and saw she worked for Petals, and thought Huh, what a coincidence…”

“Are you telling me Hannah has applied to work for you?” I grit out through clenched teeth.

“That’s exactly what I’m telling you. Now, are you going to tell me what the fuck is going on?”

“Nothing is going on.” I start to pace.

“Nothing is going on.” Waller repeats my sentence using his dumb voice. “Sure. Except my best friend is keeping fucking secrets from me.”

I heave out a breath. “I’m not keeping secrets. I asked you to look into Petals, didn’t I?”

Waller scoffs. “Yeah, but you failed to mention it had anything to do with Hannah Fucking Utley. Shit, man, it’s the girl who fucked up your head our senior year.”

“She didn’t—” I start to argue.

“She also happens to be applying at my company.” He talks over me. “And I can clearly see on her résumé that she currently works for your fucking company. So, sure, tell me again how nothing is going on.”

“Fuck off,” I sigh. “I don’t need to add your bullshit friend guilt to my plate right now.” I spin and head back the way I came. “And you’re not hiring her.”

“No shit, man. I’m not going to hire someone my bestie hates.”

I stop pacing. “I don’t hate her.”

“No?” He sounds more curious than surprised.

“No. And don’t use the word bestie. We’re not twelve-year-old girls.”

Waller makes a humming sound. “So you don’t hate her, but you’re still trying to blackball her?”

“What?” I shake my head. “No, that’s not— I’m not trying to prevent her from getting a job. I… Fuck.” I drop down to sit on the weight bench. “I didn’t know she applied for other jobs.” The knowledge of it finally sinks in, making me feel sick. “I don’t want her to leave.”