He’s not mine.
Not like this.
He’s my boss. Or my boss’s boss’s boss. Not my boyfriend.
I take another deep inhale of his masculine scent, soaking up the comfort.
My heart is still racing, but I don’t feel like I’m going to cry anymore.
I’m fine.
Physically, I’m totally fine.
No one was injured.
We were barely moving.
But… I don’t know.
It wasn’t like my life flashed before my eyes. It was all over too fast for anything like that. There wasn’t time to think.
It was those moments right after.
When the motion stopped, and the car fell silent. That moment of stillness.
A tremble rolls through me as I recall it, and his large palm on my back slides up and down my spine.
“Shh. You’re okay.” I can feel his voice against one ear as I hear it through the other.
I nod against him.
His hand moves up and down my back again before palming the back of my neck. “You’re fine, Babe.”
A throat clears next to us, and I blink my eyes open, not realizing I had them pinched shut.
“Uh, sorry to interrupt, Mr. Lovelace.” The cop’s eyes flick to me, then back up to Maddox.
I release my death grip on Maddox, but he waits an extra moment before he lowers his arms from around me.
“Call me Maddox.”
I take a small step away, not wanting to insert myself into this conversation.
“Appreciate that.” The cop tips his head, motioning to Brandon’s car behind me. “The owner of this vehicle says you’re his employer.”
For the first time, I look at the damage.
It’s pretty minimal.
The front corner connected with the front corner of the other car. The bumpers are crunched, and the headlights are broken, but I think they’re both still drivable.
My hands start shaking again.
God, why am I being such a baby about this?